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The IRP Publications Database is available for online searching using Reference Manager software. Users are able to view citations and full records of publications, as well as export and print bibliographies. The link to the IRP Publications Database will open in a new browser window.

Database Contents (as of May 2008)

IRP Affiliate Publications (AP)
Poverty-related journal articles and book chapters published by IRP Affiliates.
Years of coverage: 2005 - present
Only bibliographic information is available.

FOCUS articles
Years of coverage: 1976 (Vol.1, no.1) - present
Full text available (pdf): 1976 (Vol.1, no.1) - present

IRP Discussion Papers (DP)
Technical treatments of research in progress, as yet unpublished.
Years of coverage: 1966 - present
Full text available (pdf): 1966 - present

IRP Special Reports (SR)
Selected reports prepared for government agencies, committees, or commissions.
Years of coverage: 1976 - present
Full text available (pdf): 1995 - present

IRP Project Publications (PP)
Research project reports not published as DPs, SRs, or Focus articles.
Years of coverage: 1999 - present
Full text available (pdf): 1999 - present

IRP Doctoral Dissertations (DD)
Poverty-related doctoral dissertations from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Years of coverage: 1966 - 2005

IRP Reprints (RPT)
Years of coverage: 1988 - 2005
Full texts of IRP reprints are not available online due to copyright restrictions.

Comments and Suggestions

Please help us improve our new publications search by using and giving us feedback on the IRP publications database, which offers searchable databases of IRP Discussion Papers, Special Reports, Reprints, Focus, Doctoral Dissertations, and Project Publications.

To send us feedback to help us as we work on this new publications search, please send an email to There may be times when you have trouble accessing the database; if you would like to inform us of this, please include the day and time you had trouble accessing the pages, and any error messages you may have received. Thank you for helping us make this search service better and more available.


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Posted: 6 December, 2004
Last Updated: 28 May, 2008