Division of Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases

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Chronic Non Communicable Diseases, a Challenge for the African Region.       
The increasing burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCD) , particularly in the WHO African Region, threatens to overwhelm already over-stretched health services. The risk factors underlying the major chronic non communicable diseases which are; cardiovacular diseases, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory conditions are well documented. The known risk factors are unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption and smoking. Primary prevention based on comprehensive population-based programmes is the most cost-effective approach to contain this emerging epidemic. The basis of NCD prevention is the identification through surveillance programs, of the major common risk factors and their prevention and control. WHO recommends that, where resources are available, data on the respective diseases be included in the surveillance process. Such information should be used in policy dialogue and decision making. From a primary prevention perspective, surveillance of the major risk factors known to predict disease is an appropriate starting point. Secondary and tertiary prevention require attention because already countries are using a lot of resources in these areas, and furthermore performance of national health systems is often judged by the populace on how well or otherwise countries can provide these services.

Chronic non communicable diseases require our urgent attention and action….NOW. 

Disability and Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation 
Mission: To support governments and their partners in developing cost-effective and gender specific strategies to prevent and mitigate the consequences of violence, injuries, and disabilities.More

Health Promotion 
Health Promotion (HP) is an approach to health development that has be en adopted in many countries of the world with support from WHO. More

Mental Health 
Mental Health is an essential and integral part of health as a whole, as stated in the definition of health in the Constitution of World Health Organization. More

There is overwhelming evidence showing that tobacco use causes many diseases, including strokes; heart attacks; chronic bronchitis; chronic coughs; asthma; colds; and cancer of the lungs, throat, mouth, stomach, kidney and bladder. More

Non Communicable Diseases 
Mission:To support governments and their partners in developing cost-effective and gender specific strategies to prevent and mitigate the consequences of violence, injuries, and disabilities. More

Featured Publications

Cardiovascular Diseases in the African Region: Current Situation and Perspectives [ Français ]

Implementation of the Framework Convention On Tobacco Control in the African Region: Current Status and the Way Forward [ Français ]

Preventing chronic diseases: a vital investment 


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


World No Tobacco Day 2007

View World No Tobacco Day Videos

Statement of the WHO Regional Director for Africa on the occasion of The World No Tobacco Day
[ Français ] [ Português ]


2 October 2007 -
Tobacco addiction threatens sustainable development

25 September 2007 -
Africa to take the lead in Integrating Oral Health into Chronic Disease Programmes

29 August 2007 - WHO Urges Africa to Check Harmful Use of Alcohol

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Last updated 20 May, 2008