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   Bugs, Bugs, Bugs Newsletter
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Bugs, Bugs, Bugs January 2009
strawberry/scarlet-bodied wasp moth

Bugs for January.

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs December 2008

Bugs to watch for in December

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs: October 2007
wooly white fly

A couple of bugs this month are new to the state. You're encouragedto pick up and send in anything you have not seen before. Especially if you get plants from outside the state or something unusual shows up after a storm or other extreme conditions.

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs: October 2006
Phorid flies

A few strange caterpillars and other insects are being found around the state.

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs November 2007
Bugs of November to watch for in home and yards.
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs September 2008
love bugs and damage
bugs of the month
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs: September 2007
Lovebugs and problems.
The insect list is short this month, but one item in particular includes an in-depth discussion. The African honeybees and their recent discovery in two more parishes have some of the public concerned. Before there is a panic, some information needs to be presented.
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs: September 2006
Love bugs
We are seeing a decline in some insect populations but some explosions in others. Here are some potential problems this month.
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs August 2008
Walnut caterpillar and adult
Caterpillars and adults on shade trees and chinch bugs and parasitized armyworm.
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs,August 2007
composite of lace bugs
As soggy as it has been one would hope that most of the insects had drowned, but alas, no such luck. Some have said they have become more relaxed and excited in the somewhat cooler environment and many have moved indoors to escape the constant drenches and standing puddles.
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs July 2007
tiger beetle
common beneficials in and around the yard.
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs July 2008
Hackberry aphid on leaf.
Bugs of the month.
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs: December 2007
Lady beetles
It seems just yesterday it was 2007. Pest problems are light presently, but two major situations have developed.
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs April 2007
June bug and immature
The weather has warmed, and the bugs are everywhere. Some are even a little early.