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bioenergy / biofuels

The LSU AgCenter is engaged in a broad array of bioenergy/biofuels research and extension activities across Louisiana. With the goal of identifying and evaluating bioenergy production technologies and opportunities that can be economically feasible in Louisiana on a commercial scale, research activities of the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (LAES) are focused in two basic areas: (1) feedstock development and evaluation and (2) feedstock processing and bioenergy production. Research activities in feedstock development include evaluation of potential feedstock crops such as high-fiber sugarcane, sweet sorghum, switchgrass and sweet potatoes for ethanol production as well as a variety of oilseed crops and other feedstocks for biodiesel production. Feedstock processing and bioenergy production research covers a broad range of scientific investigation including gasification and cellulose conversion technologies. The Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service (LCES) is responsible for bioenergy education and outreach programs to transfer research results and recommendations to agricultural producers, processors and other entities associated with Louisiana agriculture.

More than 25 LSU AgCenter faculty are involved in the various bioenergy/biofuels projects. For the project involving the energy potential of sweet sorghum, we have created a blog with photos so viewers can read about and actually view the fields in which this high-energy crop is being grown.


The greatest share of the LSU AgCenters projects on bioenergy are conducted at the W.A. Callegari Environmental Center in Baton Rouge and the Audubon Sugar Institute in St. Gabriel.


Read LSU AgCenter news releases and publications about bioenergy/biofuels projects. And find out about bioenergy projects at land-grant universities in other states at related links.


Faculty/Projects Sweet Sorghum Blog     Related Links
News Releases Callegari Center LAES
Publications Audubon Sugar LCES

Current Status of the U.S. Biofuel Industry and Opportunities for Louisiana Agriculture

The term biofuels refers to any fuel – in a solid, liquid or gas form – made from the breakdown or decay of a biological feedstock source. This two-page fact sheet presents some basic information about biofuel production in the United States and in Louisiana and briefly describes current research on biofuels being conducted by the LSU AgCenter.

Sweet sorghum blog from Iberia Research Station on September 15, 2008
sweet sorghum lodged at Iberia station 9-15-2008

All varieties of sweet sorghum remain completely recumbent two weeks after Hurricane Gustav, whereas, sugarcane has become considerably more erect. The inability of sweet sorghum to erect itself after lodging will make harvesting more difficult and losses will be greater.

Rice Station Sweet Sorghum Blog 9-8-2008 continued
Dale variety of sweet sorghum

The N fertilizer treatments (0, 45, 90 and 135 lb/A) were applied as urea by hand just after each harvest date.

Rice Research Station Sweet Sorghum blog - August 28, 2008
Sweet sorghum harvest

We began to harvest the Dale and Theis sweet sorghum varieties on July 24 and completed the harvest on the 25th. Only the Dale and Theis varieties were harvested on these dates because they reached harvest maturity before the M81-E and Topper varieties.

Sweet Sorghum Blog from Iberia Research Station on August 26, 2008
Sweet Sorghum ready for harvest
Sweet Sorghum Blog from Iberia Research Station on August 26, 2008
Lacassine Sweet Sorghum Site - August 7, 2008
 Lacassine sweet sorghum site - 8-8-08
Lacassine sweet sorghum site.
Sweet Sorghum Blog from Iberia on August 6, 2008
new iberia plot of sweet sorghum
The three sweet sorghum varieties being evaluated are relatively close in maturity.
Sweet Sorghum Test Plot Update from Winnsboro - July 29, 2008
Sweet Sorghum test at Winnsboro
Sweet sorghum growth response to nitrogen rate is evident from this photo taken in late July 2008.
Lake Charles Sweet Sorghum Plot Updates - August 1, 2008
Lake Charles Sweet Sorghum Test Plot
Lake Charles Sweet Sorghum Plot Updates - August 1, 2008 from County Agents Jerry Whatley and Allen Hogan.
Rice Station Sweet Sorghum Test Plot July 14, 2008
sweet sorghum - rice 7-14
The sweet sorghum varieties M-81E and Topper just began heading early this week (July 14).
Sweet sorghum variety test at the Southeast Research Station.
Overview of sweet sorghum variety test at the Southeast Research Station.
Overview of sweet sorghum variety test at the Southeast Research Station.
Sweet sorghum research progress (Southeast Research Station, Franklinton, LA) - July 21, 2008
M81E sweet sorghum variety
Currently, Southeast Research Station is conducting two sweet sorghum studies.
Sweet Sorghum at Hill Farm Research Station July 18, 2008
hillfarm sweet sorghum-1
Following a period with good growing conditions for the past couple of weeks, moisture stress conditions are beginning to affect sweet sorghum growth for the second time this growing season at the Hill Farm Research Station.
Iberia Research Station Sweet Sorghum Blog for July 18, 2008
Iberia sweet sorghum plot 7-18
Post-directed chemicals have been used to provide weed control in our sweet sorghum plots.