January 9, 2009
Contact:  Joy Fox
(401) 732-9400 
Langevin Statement on the Situation in Gaza 



(Warwick, R.I.) - Congressman Jim Langevin joined a bipartisan majority today in voting for H.Res. 34, a resolution supporting Israel's right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza, reiterating that Hamas must end the rocket and mortar attacks against Israel, and encouraging the Administration to work actively to support a durable and sustainable cease-fire in Gaza. 

The resolution also states that the lives of innocent civilians must be protected to the maximum extent possible, expresses condolences to innocent Palestinian and Israeli victims and their families, and reiterates that humanitarian needs in Gaza should be addressed promptly and responsibly. The bill passed by a vote of 390-5, with 22 Members voting present.

The following is Langevin’s statement:

“I have been fortunate to visit Israel on two occasions.  My experiences there only strengthened my admiration for this great nation, and my determination to help provide the support Israel needs to ensure a secure and peaceful future for her people.  Unfortunately, Hamas’s increasing presence in the Gaza Strip has forced Israel to share a border with an organization that has pledged its destruction.  With its constant rocket fire attacks on Israel, Hamas has become a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the Israeli people.  I stand strongly in support of Israel’s right to defend herself and her citizens from threats and attacks by terrorists.

“As we begin a new year, I am hopeful that all responsible nations will join together to reject terrorism and work harder to ensure peace around the world.  I will work in Congress to support efforts to bring peace and stability to our friends in Israel and the region, and I look forward to a resolution that ensures both security and humanitarian needs are met.”


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