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How to Get IRP Publications

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Downloading from the IRP Web Site

This Web site offers easy access to IRP publications and to a subscription link for an IRP listserv (electronic mailing list) that provides periodic notification of and links to recently released Discussion Papers, Special Reports, and issues of Focus.

From the publications page, many Discussion Papers and Special Reports and all issues of the Focus newsletter are available for immediate viewing, electronic searching, and downloading in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

Subscribe or unsubscribe to IRP listservs:

Please indicate in the subject line "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" and the name of the electronic mailing list.

  • IRP Publications Alert Periodic notification of and links to recently released Discussion Papers, Special Reports, and issues of Focus.
  • IRP Focus Alert Periodic notification of and links to recently released issues of Fast Focus.
  • What's New at IRP Periodic messages with IRP news, including recent publications, seminar schedules, conferences, IRP Affiliates’ awards and honors, and other general Institute news
  • IRP Announcements A semi-monthly compilation of poverty-related employment and research opportunities as a service to the larger poverty research and policy community; it is not intended to serve as a comprehensive resource, nor does inclusion imply endorsement.
  • Poverty Dispatches Biweekly messages with links to Web-based news items dealing with poverty, welfare reform, and related topics. Each Dispatch lists links to current news in popular print media.

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Posted: 6 December, 2004
Last Updated: 7 January, 2009