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Whether you are a senior executive looking for an industry overview, an experienced manager searching for the latest trends, or a new contingency planner in need of the basics, you will find the GUIDE to be the most comprehensive source for crisis/emergency management and business continuity information. The online DISASTER RESOURCE GUIDE is set up to help you find information, vendors, organizations and many resources to help you prepare for (mitigate) or recover from any type of natural or other type of disaster. The GUIDE is to help you keep your business running, your government agency operational, no matter what!
A call for articles for the 2009/10 Disaster Resource GUIDE, annual issue. We're seeking for articles on business continuity, disaster recovery and emergency/ crisis management. Contact us by January 31st with article proposals.
To send us your proposal click here.
Can the government keep track of all the airport security uniforms and badges in the country to protect air travel from terrorists? A new study says it cannot.
What are the biggest threats facing the United States over the next five years? A new report says it’s terrorism driven by the Middle East and Africa, border security and the Internet.
The recent plenary session of ANSI’s Homeland Security Standards Panel offered a number of valuable insights into how the public and private sectors would engage to implement Title IX of Public Law 110-53.
Outgoing DHS secretary Michael Chertoff is urging Americans to become better prepared for disaster — because we’re taking assistance for granted.
While we can’t predict which cyberthreats we will face in the years to come, there are still certain categories of cyberthreats that will continue to plague IT security pros.
Almost half of all computer users still don't take basic security precautions like installing and enabling firewalls, says a new study.
20008/09 GUIDE
Today, most Business Continuity professionals recognize the need and value of an emergency notification system. But, as with so many other BCP requirements, the budget isn’t there. So what is a BCP professional to do?
2008/09 GUIDE
Business continuity planning efforts are made or broken by the testing program that is implemented to validate strategies, rehearse those who will play a role in recovery, and provide essential input to change management processes.
If emergency communications save lives, it stands to reason that communication failures can kill. But have the FCC’s plans to improve interoperability met roadblocks?
What better way to prepare for the new year than with a survival kit? Every automobile, every desk, every home needs one! Visit our new website.
The 13th Annual Disaster Resource GUIDE is available now in both printed and digital forms! The first U.S. mailing has been completed. If you were not included in this mailing, be sure to fill out our form requesting a printed copy. To view the digital copy of the GUIDE, click on "more" below.
The Business Continuity Institute has announced their first event in China on 5-6 May 2009 in Shanghai. 15% discount on bookings received by 15 January 09: £400+VAT, £250+VAT for second plus delegates from the same organisation.
DRG, together with Varolii, will share what over 770 BC professionals are doing to prepare their organizations for the unexpected. Learn about: Organizational trends and figures; Planning and management; Employee Accountability and Workforce Continuity.
The first Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Forum was greeted with enthusiasm by all participants, as major vendors and buyers met in a series of one to one, pre-arranged meetings. William Fagan of the Federal Railroad Administration said, "attending the Forum provided me direct contact to the suppliers and the solutions I need."
Lakewood, CO -- Red Rocks Community College has been offering both an AAS degree in Emergency Management and Planning and an AAS certificate, over the INTERNET, since 1999. All courses are taught by credentialed instructors who are also emergency management professionals with years of experience.
Link to hundreds of resources from more than 50 publications and portals. Our mission? To consolidate and communicate thousands of resources for crisis/emergency management, business continuity, disaster recovery and homeland security.
Looking for a product or service? You have come to the right place! Click on the products of interest and link directly to hundreds of suppliers featured in the Online GUIDE.
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