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Make Sure Children Are Receiving Quality Care

Manage post-hurricane stress
(Distributed 09/07/08) You probably can’t avoid the stress coming in the wake of Hurricane Gustav, but you can manage it, says LSU AgCenter family and consumer sciences specialist Becky White.

Prepare an evacuation to-go kit for your child
(Distributed 08/29/08) Adults are urged to assemble a “grab-and-go” box of important papers in case of a hurricane evacuation. How about making a “to-go kit” for your child? Assembling a few treasured items can help your child in times of disaster, according to LSU AgCenter family development professor Dr. Rebecca White.

Born to Read: Little Bookshelf extension program introduces reading to young children
Little Bookshelf

Routines are an important part of a baby’s life. Every day parents feed their babies and bathe their babies. But do parents routinely read to their babies? The LSU AgCenter started the Little Bookshelf program to encourage parents to read to their babies daily.

Help your child recover from fearfulness following hurricanes
(Distributed 09/07/08) A child may continue to be fearful following a hurricane because of the uncertainty of the future. “A child can mix up real fear and make-believe fear. This is OK, and a parent or other care-giver can help in many ways,” says LSU AgCenter family and consumer sciences specialist Becky White.

Additional Character Critter Resources
hats, masks, bookmarks, puppets, etc.
Understanding and Working with Teens
This guide discusses the common physical, mental, social and emotional characteristics for high school youth. Keep in mind that no two children develop according to the same schedule and the transitions are gradual. By accepting youth at their current developmental stage and offering challenging growth opportunities to help them make the transition into the next stage.
Parents as Partners
As you and your child join the 4-H program, you’ll want to make the most of the experience. The success of your 4-H club and the kind of experience your child depends greatly upon your parental involvement. 4-H has so much to offer your child through educational programs, contests and special events. Through active participation in 4-H, your child will develop skills that will last a lifetime.
Policies That Exclude Sick Children Protect Others
pediatrician with baby
Typically, providers require that children be kept from care for a minimum of 24 hours or until symptoms disappear.
Several Factors Come Into Play When Selecting Quality Child Care
A variety of factors should be considered when parents are attempting to find quality child care for their children. While cost and convenience are important considerations, parents should also consider their children’s ages, abilities, interests and personalities. Beliefs and attitudes about education, training, child guidance, nutrition and health are also major considerations.
Old And Future Memories Important At Thanksgiving
(Distributed 11/13/07) What are your fondest memories of Thanksgiving? What do you want your children and grandchildren to remember – Traditions? Giving? Togetherness?
Lost Traditions May Sadden Thanksgiving
(Distributed 11/09/07) If your Thanksgiving is steeped in family traditions, the occasion can be a difficult one should circumstances change and those traditions are lost.
Attitude Of Gratitude Important For Youth To Learn
(Distributed 11/06/07) Thanksgiving offers families an opportunity to reflect on their many blessings. Youth, however, often take their blessings for granted. How can parents and educators teach young people an attitude of gratitude?
Be Child Care Aware: Follow Safety Tips To Ensure Summertime Fun
kids in pool
Summer is here, and outdoor play ranks as a favorite activity for most young children. But that means safety also should be a concern for parents and caregivers, according to LSU AgCenter child-care associate Cheri Gioe.
Child Care Environment Rating Scales
Child Care
Four environmental rating scales are in use now: (1) Early Childhood Environment, (2) Infant and Toddler Environment, (3) Family Day Care Environment and (4) School-Age Care Environment. (PDF Format Only)