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UMKC Accreditation Self Study 2007-2009
gradbar HLC Site Visit: October 12-14, 2009

    Institutional accreditation is crucial to our institution because it certifies quality, demonstrates accountability and enhances UMKC's reputation. It also ensures our University's ability to participate in federal and state financial aid programs and affirms that all of our schools and departments play a vital role in student success and learning.
    The process of the HLC Accreditation self study, as well as the final report, will provide us with the unique opportunity for critical self analysis. It will offer us a practical roadmap of where we want to go and the guideposts for measuring our continual improvement.
Gail Hackett, Provost


UMKC will become a model urban research university characterized by signature graduate and professional programs, a dynamic undergraduate population, a highly diverse faculty, staff and student body, and active engagement with its city and region.

UMKC’s mission is
  • to lead in life and health sciences;
  • to deepen and expand strength in the visual and performing arts;
  • to develop a professional workforce and collaborate in urban issues and education; and
  • to create a vibrant learning and campus life experience.

  • Goals   Strengthen resource base and financial capacity
    Strengthen core academic mission
    Increase student success
    Improve the racial climate and increase campus diversity

    • What is HLC, NCA ?
    • UMKC's Self Study process
    • 1999 Accreditation Report
      Criterion One Mission and Integrity
    The organization operates with integrity to ensure the fulfillment of its mission through structures and processes that involve the board, administration, faculty, staff, and students.
      Criterion Two Preparing for the Future
    The organization's allocation of resources and its processes for evaluation and planning demonstrate its capacity to fulfill its mission, improve the quality of its education, and respond to future challenges and opportunities.
      Criterion Three Student Learning and Effective Teaching
    The organization provides evidence of student learning and teaching effectiveness that demonstrates it is fulfilling its educational mission.
      Criterion Four Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of Knowledge
    The organization promotes a life of learning for its faculty, administration, staff, and students by fostering and supporting inquiry, creativity, practice, and social responsibility in ways consistent with its mission.
      Criterion Five Engagement and Service
    As called for by its mission, the organization identifies its constituencies and serves them in ways both value.
        Click any criterion to see Self Study by the criterion committee in progress
      Self Study report

    HLC Self Study © 2007-2009 UMKC version 1.0.6 (10/2008)
    © 2009 UMKC • Kansas City, MO 64110 • (816)235-1000 • Email questions or comments about this web site to bytes@umkc.edu.
    UMKC is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution; Part of the University of Missouri System; Reporting Possible Copyright Infringement