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   Personal & Financial Recovery
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Help Line Numbers
Here are some toll-free numbers set up to provide disaster assistance:

Disaster Recovery: What You Need To Know About Your Rights As A Tenant
If you rent or lease an apartment, house or business building and the structure is damaged in a natural disaster, read your lease carefully to determine what you need to do regarding damages, terminating the lease, securing temporary housing and other matters.

Disaster Recovery: Filing Insurance Claims
The following steps should be taken to file an insurance claim for disaster damage to your home.

Disaster Recovery: Good News About Your Homeowners Insurance Policy
Although your policy may not cover flood damage to your home, it does offer some protection from loss caused by natural disasters, such as hurricanes.

Disaster Recovery: Beware of Frauds and Scams
Natural disasters often bring an influx of con artists looking for ways to take advantage of the suffering and confusion. Consider these tips to protect yourself and your money.
Disaster Recovery: Don't Let Disaster Compromise Credit
These tips will help you benefit from your good credit and to ensure that your credit record is not harmed in the wake of disaster.
When Your Income Drops
A sudden reduction in family income can be a traumatic experience, both psychologically and financially. The hardship can be minimized with a proactive approach.
Disaster Recovery: What You Need To Know About Unemployment Issues
After a disaster strikes, whether it is a hurricane, flood, or tornado, you could find yourself without a job and needing a source of income. The Louisiana Department of Labor responds to disasters with unemployment insurance benefits and disaster unemployment assistance.
‘Anniversary Effects’ Of Hurricanes Expected
Flashbacks, feelings of grief or depression and other symptoms can be attributed to the anniversary of a traumatic event such as the loss of a loved one, an accident or a natural disaster. LSU AgCenter family life professor Dr. Diane D. Sasser expects many people will suffer the "anniversary effects" of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
LSU AgCenter Partnering With Others To Help Displaced Students
Displaced Students
LSU AgCenter agents in seven South Louisiana parishes are working with other agencies on a project designed to help displaced students meet their ongoing needs. The effort, known as the Partnership for Prevention Education, is targeted toward Louisiana residents affected by last year’s hurricanes.
Flood Insurance and Credit for Disaster Victims
Explanation of flood insurance for disaster victims. Includes tips and help on filing insurance claims.
Homeowners Share Insurance Lessons Learned the Hard Way
Homeowners have shared with Extension some of the common misconceptions about flood insurance that caused them to suffer financial losses greater than they expected.
Everything You Need to Know About Your Travel Trailer
Travel Trailer Safety
After a natural disaster many people are housed temporarily in travel trailers provided by FEMA. Safety issues arise from these unique temporary living quarters.
Hurricane Hardships Linger Into Holidays
Hurricane season is over, but the hardships from it are lingering into the holidays. Many Louisiana residents endured financial hardships this year, and LSU AgCenter family economist Dr. Jeanette Tucker says holiday budgets may be tight for many.