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inside January

bulletGreat Expectations
What exactly are schools asking still-young students to learn and be able to accomplish by the end of 8th grade, and how can parents help their preteens prepare for the increased responsibility and academic expectations they will face?

bulletA Day in the Life of a Washington Parent
Lois McCabe stands in the sun-filled kitchen of her Potomac home. On the counter is a shoebox of photos pulled out in preparation for her oldest son’s upcoming bar mitzvah.

bullet"I Think I Can"
Are you frustrated when you hear your child mutter, “Why bother? I won’t make the team,” or, “It doesn’t matter. I can’t get an A.”? Children today face enormous pressures to perform both academically and socially, but this attitude of passive resignation isn’t healthy.

bulletEducation Guide

bulletSleepaway Camp Guide

bulletMore . . .

MommyDocsCheck out www.mommydocs.com for Practical Pediatric Information for Moms, by Moms (and Doctors)!  
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