FEMA Coordinating Federal Response To Hurricane Flossie 

Release Date: August 14, 2007
Release Number: HQ-07-161

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WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As Hurricane Flossie continues on its path in the Pacific, the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency is accelerating coordination and deployment of federal assets to Hawaii to support state officials.  FEMA Region IX has activated its Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC) in Oakland, CA and begins 24 hour operations today. The FEMA Pacific area office on the island of Hawaii is providing 24 hour support to the state Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and a FEMA liaison is staffed at the state EOC. 

FEMA has deployed a 20-person Advance Emergency Response Team (ERT-A) to Hawaii and a federal coordinating officer has been assigned to oversee disaster response operations. 

"Using the new FEMA model of forward leaning and collaborative disaster response approach, the federal government has begun to move resources into place," said David Paulison, FEMA Administrator. "FEMA is dedicated to open lines of communications. We are talking with Hawaii now about what they need to get ready for Hurricane Flossie and will coordinate with other federal agencies to provide those assets and resources."

FEMA has six Pre Positioned Disaster Supplies (PPDS) 20 foot (250 person) containers, one 40 foot (500 person) PPDS container and four FEMA Home Recovery Kits (HRK) staged on the Big Island.  There are an additional ten 20 foot (250 person) PPDS containers, three 40 foot (500 person) PPDS containers and eight HRK pre-positioned throughout the other Hawaiian Islands.

The National Response Coordinating Center (NRCC) was activated and will ramp up to a 24 hour operation starting today. The following federal agencies have been activated under the role of emergency support functions (ESFs) to assist in the federal response and are currently operating out of the NRCC.

ESF 1 - Department of Transportation - FAA is in coordination with the state of Hawaii to support transportation activities. The FAA has a representative in the NRCC and in the state EOC.
ESF 3 - Public Works and Engineering - To assess power and infrastructure vulnerabilities based on projected storm impact.
ESF-6 - FEMA mass care is working with the Red Cross and other voluntary agencies to ensure adequate shelter and potential resource requirements. 
ESF 8 - Public Health and Medical Services - 14 Disaster Medical Assistance Teams and one Veterinary Medical Assistance Team are on standby ready to deploy to Hawaii to support critical emergency medical operations.

USCG is activated and deployed to support FEMA as directed.  This support may include the use of air and/or water support for post event, recon, transportation of personnel and commodities.

Department of Defense is working with FEMA in close coordination with Hawaii and the State National Guard on potential missions for military assets such as ground and air transportation.  

FEMA coordinates the federal government's role in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 15-Aug-2007 18:23:09