National Situation Update: Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Homeland Security Threat Level: YELLOW (ELEVATED).

Significant National Weather

A broad upper-air low moving into the Pacific will produce rain and high mountain snow to the southern half of California, southern Nevada, southwest Utah and western Arizona. Periods of heavy rain may lead to localized flash flooding and debris flows in the burn areas of the mountains surrounding the Los Angeles Basin. Heavy snow is expected to coat the southern Sierra Nevada above 7000 feet. High temperatures will range from the 20s in parts of the Washington Cascades and Glacier National Park to the 70s in far southeast California and southern Arizona.
Snow showers scattered across New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia will give the day a wintry appearance. The heaviest snows are expected to impact northwest Pennsylvania and portions of western New York where a few spots could realize a storm total of a foot. Farther east in Maine, a mis of rain, snow and sleet - and strong winds early in the day - will make for a blustery day. Temperatures will be near to below late winter averages with highs ranging from near freezing in northern Maine to the low 50s in south-central Virginia.
Except for a few snow showers or flurries over eastern Michigan and northeast Ohio, the Midwest and Great Plains will be dry. Temperatures will be below late November averages in Michigan and Ohio, and generally above late November averages from the Mississippi River westward.  (NOAA, National Weather Service and Various Media Sources)

Potential Flooding of California Burn Areas

The National Weather Service has issued flash flood warnings and watches for the recent burn areas of Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, and Orange Counties through Wednesday evening November 26

The Santa Barbara County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was activated at 2:30 p.m. PST on November 25 Santa Barbara County has issued evacuation warnings for approximately 2,835 residents in the Tea Fire Burn Area, including the Sycamore Creek area and other areas immediately below the fire zone. Officials are activating initial response plans in anticipation of potential flooding and debris flows. Mandatory evacuation orders have been issued for approximately 2,997 residents of the Sycamore Canyon area. One shelter has been opened. 

The Orange County EOC was activated at 7:00 a.m. PST on November 25. Voluntary evacuations are in effect for the city of Yorba Linda in Orange County, including Brush Canyon, Box Canyon, North Fairmont and the San Antonio area, that were affected by the Freeway Complex Fire due to potential floods and debris flows. One shelter has been opened.

The San Bernardino County EOC was activated on November 25 to monitor potential flooding and debris flow in recent burn areas.(National Weather Service, FEMA Region IX, Cal OES)

New Undersea Volcano, Washington

A new underwater volcano has been discovered 200 miles off the coast of Grays Harbor, Washington. The contours of a large volcano emerged using sonar mapping estimated to be more than 10,000 feet below the surface. The Okeanos Explorer, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ship, commissioned to map the sea floor made the discovery. NOAA scientists say close to 95 percent of the ocean remains unexplored. High resolution sonar mapped each depth as a different color, showing a dynamic ocean floor with deep ridges and canyons. Okeanos is an ancient Greek word for ocean.

Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG)

No significant activity.  (FEMA HQ)

Tropical Weather Outlook

A large area of disturbed weather continues over the southwestern Caribbean Sea in association with a broad area of low pressure. This system is poorly organized and any further development of this system is not expected as it drifts slowly westward..

Eastern Pacific:
No tropical cyclone formation is expected during the next 48 hours.

Western Pacific:
No current tropical cyclone warnings.  (NOAA, HPC, National Hurricane Center, Central Pacific Hurricane Center and the Joint Typhoon Warning Center)

Earthquake Activity

No new activity (FEMA HQ)

Preliminary Damage Assessments

No new activity (FEMA HQ)

Disaster Declaration Activity

No new activity (FEMA HQ)

Last Modified: Wednesday, 26-Nov-2008 08:12:07 EST