Friday, January 16, 2009

NFU Statement: Salazar to Lead Interior Department

For Immediate Release: December 18, 2008

Contact: Liz Friedlander, 202-314-3191

WASHINGTON (Dec. 18, 2008) – President-elect Barack Obama announced yesterday Ken Salazar, D-Colo., as his choice to lead the U.S. Department of the Interior. National Farmers Union President Tom Buis made the following statement.

“Secretary-designate Salazar has been a champion for America’s family farmers, ranchers and their rural communities while serving in the U.S. Senate and I have no doubt he will continue these efforts as interior secretary. I applaud President-elect Obama for this selection.

“Salazar understands the issues facing rural America. As interior secretary he will play a vital role in fully developing our nation’s renewable energy potential. Whether it be wind, solar, biofuels, cellulosic, or geothermal, the next generation of renewable energy will be produced in America’s heartland. I look forward to working together on a path to energy independence.

“Salazar has also recognized the role America’s farmers can play in reversing the damaging effects of climate change; and has supported conservation programs that will preserve the land for the next generation of producers.

“I congratulate Secretary-designate Salazar and look forward to working with him as he moves into this new role.”
