Friday, January 16, 2009


pointtexas1902: NFU is founded by grassroots farmers concerned with stability and farm income

1903: Farmers Union forms first marketing cooperative

1906: NFU urged establishment of parcel post system

1911: NFU pushes for direct election of U.S. senators

1916: Dismanded program of low-interest, long-term credit, resulting in the enactment of the Federal Farm Loan Act establishing 12 Federal Land Banks and advocated voting rights for women

1921: Successfully lobbied for adoption of Packers and Stockyards Act

1922: Supported Capper-Volstead Act

1926: Farmers Union Terminal Association began operating

1927: Launched Farmers Union Central Exchange (now CHS) as a subsidiary of Farmers Union Terminal Association

1930: Established Farmers Union youth education program

1933: Advocated incorporation of farmer-elected committees to administer farm programs

1935: Played a key role in operation of Rural Electric Association resources as Cooperatives

1936: Became chief architect and promoter of the Commodity Exchange Act

1943: Proposed school lunch programs be made permanent

1945: Founding member of Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe (CARE). Farmers Union is one of the non-governmental organizations that supports and sponsors the United Nations

1954: Succeeded in passage of school milk legislation by Congress and sought refund of federal gas tax on agricultural non-highway uses

1966: Waged war on poverty by instituting the Green Thumb program (now Experience Works) which still today places low-income, older workers in jobs

1971: Blocked efforts to eliminate USDA as a cabinet-level agency

1974: Included in newly formed World Hunger Action Council and promoted develoopment of rural health co-ops

1976: Won authorization for Small Business Administration to make loans to farmers

1978: Achieved adoption of legislation requiring foreign owners to disclose U.S. farmland holdings. Backed creation of National Consumer Co-op Bank

1979: Carried out massive “Save our Co-op” campaign

1980: Won lobbying effort to impose capital gains taxation of foreign investors holding U.S. farmland

1982: Succeeded in having part of the military budget shifted to humanitarian food aid using surplus U.S. commodities

1983: Worked to protect family dairy farmers by helping to develop dairy legislation to reduce excessive milk production and secured passage of emergency farm credit legislation to defer FHA loans to help keep farmers in business

1984: Achieved court ruling requiring the Farmers Home Administration to disclose options to troubled borrowers

1985: Pressured the Food and Drug Administation (FDA) to slap the hands of four large chemical companies that were promoting bovine growth hormone (BGH) without FDA approval

1990: Promoted regulations to set national standards for organically-produced foods

1991: Influenced Congress to reauthorize the Older Americans Act

1993: Raised awareness of problems associated with international trade agreements

1995: Fought for price-oriented farm bill and against disassociation farm programs and price

1996: Succeeded in adoption of legislation to allow farmers and ranchers to increase income tax deductibility of health insurance premiums to 80 percent

1996: Brought agricultural concentration to the forefront of legislative agendas

1997: Launched the “Change the Cheese Exchange” campaign which effectively took the National Cheese Exchange out of the Basic Formula Price

1998: Conducted a nationwide marketing flexibility campaign aimed at removing the caps placed on loan rates and were successful in securing $7 billion in farm relief

1999: Held “Rural Unity Day” events in Farmers Union states to bring together farm groups, business owners, bankers, church groups and Congressional delegations to heighten awareness of the farm crisis and its impact on all segments of the community. “Put the Unity Back in Community” events were successful as Congress delivered $8.7 billion in farm relief

2000: Farmers Union organized the largest farm rally on the U.S. Capitol Mall in two decades. The rally included a broad group of nearly 40 organizations concerned that the nation’s farm program has failed to provide economic stability and opportunity to rural America. Participants urged Congress to rewrite and improve the “Freedom to Farm” program

2001: Farmers Union was a major player in the debate on a new farm bill. Although we did not see new national farm policy, Farmers Union’s fingerprints were visible on much of the farm bill policy discussed. We made significant strides in many areas of our policy which came out of the Senate Agriculture Committee’s proposal such as, raising loan rates, updating yields, mandatory country-of-origin labeling for fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and peanuts, contract grower protection and increased funding for conservation programs

2002: Won country-of-origin labeling after years of advocacy. NFU spearheaded a coalition of 165 farm and consumer groups to advocate mandatory country-of-origin labeling, which was included in the 2002 Farm Bill

2005: Led effort to push for the passage of a Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS). The new RFS will mandate the use of 8 billion gallons of ethanol and biodiesel by 2012. Supported legislation to provide tax credits for the construction of E-85 fueling stations. Launched “” as part of an initiative called “Growing Farm Business on the Internet”