Countries Participating in the ICSN

World map showing which countries are members of the ICSN, and which have national breast or colorectal cancer organized programs.

Australia has breast and colorectal cancer programs.
Belgium has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
Brazil has neither type of program.
Canada has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
The Czech Republic has neither type of program.
Denmark has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
Finland has breast and colorectal cancer programs.
France has breast and colorectal cancer programs.
Germany has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
Greece has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
Hungary has breast and colorectal cancer programs.
Iceland has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
The Republic of Ireland has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
Israel has breast and colorectal cancer programs.
Italy has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
Japan has breast and colorectal cancer programs.
Korea has breast and colorectal cancer programs.
Luxembourg has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
The Netherlands has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
New Zealand has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
Norway has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
Portugal has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
Turkey has neither type of program.
Spain has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
Sweden has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
Switzerland has a program for breast cancer but not colorectal cancer.
The United Kingdom has breast and colorectal cancer programs.
The United States has neither type of program.
Uruguay has neither type of program.

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