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Sportfishing Leader Workshop April 25-26





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                                     Hook ‘em for Life!

Missouri 4-H Sportfishing


Section links for this page:

What is Sportfishing?

Frequently Asked Questions

Related Links

4-H Related
Fishing Tips
Industry Resources
State Websites
General Fishing
Antique Tackle & Lures


What is Sportfishing?

The National 4-H Sportfishing program is a cooperative effort of the educational branch of the American Sportfishing Association, the Future Fisherman Foundation, Cooperative Extension

4-H educators, Aquatic Resource educators and the staffs of state and federal management agencies.  It is a youth development program that provides a comprehensive curriculum designed to develop life skills while providing information and motivation to youth and adult audiences interested in sportfishing and/or aquatic resource stewardship.


The Vision     

The vision of this program is to develop life skills in young people and adults while educating them to exercise leadership and support for responsible recreational fishing and stewardship of aquatic resources through an internationally recognized 4-H Sportfishing Program.  We believe that this can be accomplished by involving youth in a long-term, on-going, community-based sportfishing and aquatic resources education program.


4-H Sportfishing is comprised of four knowledge and skill areas


Ø       Angling Skills – the basic skills of a successful fisher person;

Ø       Tackle Craft – assemble from kits, custom build, or modify current tackle;

Ø       Aquatic Ecology – understanding healthy habitat for fish and other aquatic life;

Ø       People and Fish – people and fish interactions - including fishing ethics, fisheries management, and folkways.


Program Objectives

·       To enable diverse youth and adult audiences to develop leadership, self-confidence, personal discipline, critical thinking and other life-skills

·       To provide young people and adults with a thorough introduction to fishing skills and safety

·       To provide proper training in the use of sportfishing and related equipment

·       To foster responsible fishing behavior

·       To foster appreciation, understanding, and commitment to natural resource stewardship

·       To provide volunteer training in safe and effective instructional techniques

·       To instruct volunteer leaders in planning and managing 4-H fishing programs

·       To provide volunteer leaders with knowledge, attitudes and skills to teach 4-H fishing disciplines

·       To provide knowledge of the ecological and social basis of fisheries management.

·       To provide volunteer leaders with youth development background to enable them to become effective mentors and role models

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 Frequently Asked Questions


Why is the leader training for 4-H Sportfishing required?

The most common complaint from members and parents about 4-H is that the project leader “never does anything”.  Most are well intentioned but then for one reason or another never follow through with their commitment.  Many project leaders say they don’t have the resource materials, or the knowledge, or the self-confidence to do their job.  Experience with the Shooting Sports program shows that the right kind of training can lead to success on a local level.  Project leaders if prepared are more likely to “do something” and do it right.  Mandatory training pays!


How is the Sportfishing program different from previous 4-H Fishing projects?

The main difference is that this is a nationally developed, guided, and supported program.

  • Professionals, both in fisheries and youth development, from throughout the United States have worked together in designing the program. 
  • Previous programs were state driven and here in Missouri no resources, formatted specifically for a 4-H fishing program, were available.  We now have quality materials including leader lesson plans and member manuals (CCS). 
  • Of course, the required leader training is a major difference from previous 4-H fishing programs. 
  • Partners and collaborations at the national level can assist in finding state partners and collaborations.


What are the subject matter areas of the Sportfishing program and does a volunteer have to be certified or trained in one or all of the areas to meet the requirements?

There are four subject matter areas.  These are:

  • Angling Skills
  • Tackle Craft
  • Aquatic Ecology
  • People and Fish (ethics, fisheries, and folkways)


At the leader workshops the volunteer will have a choice of one of two tracks.  They select either: Angling Skills & Aquatic Ecology OR Tackle Craft & People and Fish.  So, they will receive training in 2 of the 4 areas.  One training will meet the requirement.  A volunteer does not have to return for the other two subject matter areas.  They may if they wish, but it is not required.


If a volunteer is not trained in all subject areas, how can they teach all areas?

They would not be expected to teach in all areas.  If they do, they will have only limited resources.  At the county level, we encourage the development of local teams (as few as 2) of instructors that would share responsibilities in teaching youth.  For example: if a county (or club) sent 2 leaders to the workshop.  One should enroll in the Angling Skills & Aquatic Ecology track; the other should enroll in the Tackle Craft and People & Fish track.  Upon their return, they would work together as a team and provide instruction in all of the subject matter areas to local youth.

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What is the Missouri 4-H Fishing League?

Missouri 4-H is developing an exciting fishing format based upon a Recreational Fishing League developed in Manitoba.  The fishing league may provide just the incentive needed to stimulate interest.  Basically it will look like this:


Team Structure

Teams would consist of 4 - 7 youth and a minimum of 2 adult coaches (at least one trained).


Team Activity

One fishing session per week (2 - 3 hours) may be submitted to the Coordinator as their official entry in the league standings.  The best 6 sessions will count toward the official score.



Fish caught will be measured – not weighed – and listed by species.  A “fish length conversion table” based upon species will be used to determine the official score. Bonus points will be awarded for things such as:

·       All team members attending and fishing

·       All team members catch at least one fish

·       If 3 or more species are caught during the same session

·       If 3 or more species are caught by any one team member

·       If 6 or more species are caught by any team over the course of the “season”

·       Any Master Angler Award fish caught (trophy size)


There will also be bonus points awarded for non-fishing activities such as community service, media relations, etc.

Do I have to be a current 4-H member?  
No, it is hoped that Sportfishing will attract new families and youth into the 4-H program.  This program is open to current 4-H members and to youth not currently enrolled.  Perhaps a group of parents and youth with similar interests will want to form Sportfishing Clubs.  There are several options available for participation.  Contact your county extension office  for specific information about joining.

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Related Links


4-H Related

An Ethical Compass for the 4-H Sportfishing Program (PDF)


Fishing Tips

Tips for Releasing Fish


Guidelines for Handling and Releasing Fish 



Native Fish Conservancy
find a rich source of sportfishing articles


Tuning Into Paddlefish


Missouri Sturgeons (PDF)


Knot Libraries

Bass Pro

Base Insider


How to Make a Fly-tying Vise for $6


Industry Resources  

Future Fisherman Foundation


Water Works Wonders


Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation
see resources and research

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State Web Sites

Michigan’s Project F.I.S.H


P.L.A.Y.  Pennsylvania League of Angling Youth








Conservation and Sportsman Organizations

Missouri Department of Conservation


Izaak Walton League of America


Trout Unlimited


Mid-Missouri Trout Unlimited


Federation of Fly Fishers


Southern Council Federation of Fly Fishers


Kansas City Chapter of Missouri’s Trout Fishermen


KC Northland Fly Fishers


Ozark Fly Fishers


The Smallmouth Alliance


Missouri B.A.S.S. Federation


Muskies Inc


National Catfishing Association

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General Fish or Fishing Sites

Missouri Fishing


Totally Fly Fishing

a general resource for fly fishermen



Check out: Tip of the Week, In-Fisher Kids, Name that Fish, Recipes


Buck Perry Information Center

“Father of Structure Fishing”, tips and articles


Recreational Fishing Links Page


Fishing Works (commercial site)



Antique Tackle & Lures

National Fishing Lure Collectors Club

Encompasses every aspect of collecting fishing related tackle and ephemera (i.e. Reels, rods, catalogs, advertising, minnow traps and buckets, creels, photo's, etc.), not just fishing lures.


Mr. Lure Box

Antique fishing tackle collection and reference guide


Antique Lures

Extensive educational and identification information for pre-1960 lures and lure boxes.


Antique Reels

American made antique fishing reels, old fishing lures, the fun of collecting.


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Contact Information


Last Revised 14-Nov-06


University of Missouri Extension

4-H Center for Youth Development

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