MU University of Missouri


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Missouri 4-H
4-H Center for Youth Development


photo: MO state capitolphoto: 4-Hers at the MO state capitol

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Missouri 4-H Legislative Academy

photo: 4-Hers at the MO state supreme courtFebruary 16-18, 2009
Jefferson City, Missouri

Legislative Academy is a one of a kind learning opportunity for promising 4-H youth leaders.  The goal is to strengthened relationships between Missouri 4-H and key lawmakers and donors, and for youth participants to acquire skills in legislative advocacy. 

The Academy was founded by Lowell Mohler and the Missouri 4-H Foundation Board of Trustees.

There is no fee for this event; the only cost for the selected delegates is transportation to and from Jefferson City. 

Legislative Academy Forms


Applicants must be:

  • Able to attend the entire Academy
  • 14-20 years old on Dec. 31st of the current program year
  • A State 4-H Council member, Youth Futures alumni, Mizzou 4-H Collegiate 4-H member, state award winner (Key Award or National Congress) or recommended by your local 4-H youth specialist

photos: 4-Hers with MO Gov. Matt Blunt

Between 8-12 young people will be selected for the Missouri 4-H Legislative Academy. Selection will be based on

  1. Satisfactory completion of the application
  2. Personal interview with selection committee
  3. Ability to positively represent Missouri 4-H to state-level decision-makers and contributors

Up to 20 applicants may be invited to participate in the interview process. The selection committee will select up to 3 alternates to participate in the event selected members cannot attend.

Legislative Academy Forms

Legislative Academy application (Word) or (PDF)

Youth Health Form (PDF)

photo: 4-Hers at theMO state supreme court

Delegates Comments 2008

What was the most important thing about the experience?

*the opportunity to meet and greet state legislators, governor, judges and other important officials and networking 

*the job shadow—I really enjoyed working with my rep, so much that I would like to intern for him! 

*that we learned the inside stuff in our own government

*getting to meet important people and spreading the word on 4-H 

Tell us at least two things that you have learned through this experience.

*A 4-H experience goes a long way in the eyes of many for establishing your credibility with current leaders

*the ag committee hearing was a great experience and I learned a lot about how committees work in the Senate

*the panel discussion taught me a lot about different groups we could contact for more 4-H support and activities. It was great to hear how they want to help us and ways we are already involved.

*MO 4-H has programming with the MO State Dept. of Corrections 

*there is a place for young people in politics (internships, etc.)

Do you see a relationship between this experience and your future educational and/or career plans? 

*I saw a lot of opportunities with the legislature, ag commodity groups and social departments where my major could be applied. My eyes were opened to many opportunities! Thank you so much for an awesome experience!

*in politics or law, both things I hope to be involved in, I feel this will be useful information for life

*I believe working for a rep would be fun

*I liked the way they could just speak in front of a crowd at a moment’s notice

*I would at least like to intern for a senator




Last Updated September 5, 2008

If you have additional questions about Legislative Academy please contact

Diana Duncan  573-882-1936


Meg Phillips 573-884-6197