Okay, you’re saying - what do I have against USGS water maven Dr. Bob Hirsch? After all, my failures (so far) to get Peter Gleick appointed White House Water Advisor, Pat Mulroy named U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner, and Gerry Galloway selected as Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works, are well-known.
I also wanted to see Gov. Bill Richardson [...]

Opening Plenary - Keynote Speakers

Rivers for Life
Brian Richter, Nature Conservancy


Riparian Reflections
James Karr, University of Washington

Tuesday Plenary - Keynote Speakers


Trees,Streams and Water Quality: Making ConnectionsBernard Sweeney, Stroud Water Research Center


Old Approaches and New Challenges to Restoring River and Floodplain EcosystemsEmily Bernhardt, Department of Biology, Duke University

Closing Plenary - Keynote Speakers


The Future Riparian Programs in USDA: Challenges [...]


A Vision of the Future for California’s Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta: The Role of GIS, Visualation and Communication - Dr. Robert Twiss Robert Twiss, Professor of Environmental Planning Emeritus
The University of California, Berkeley

SPECIAL SESSION: Past and Future of GIS and Water Resources


Past and Future of GIS and Water ResourcesGuest Speakers:
- David Maidment, University of [...]

NOTE: Due to varying recording conditions, record volume and quality may vary from one recording to the next. Additional recordings should follow shortly.


Luncheon Speaker: Honorable Jackie Dingfelder - Oregon House of Representatives - Bridging the Gap Between Science and Policy: A Legislative Perspective


Plenary Speaker: Cynthia Barnett - Journalist Gainesville, FL - MIRAGE: Florida and the [...]

A Water Strategy for the United States
By Jim Thebaut and Erik Webb
Those Americans even aware of Zimbabwe’s recent fight against the disruption and death caused by cholera, a highly treatable water-borne disease, carry an unfounded confidence that clean, abundant water will always be available and a similar water-borne disease epidemic could never occur here. However, [...]

NOTE: Due to varying recording conditions, record volume and quality may vary from one recording to the next.


Gerry Galloway - Opening Remarks


Plenary Speaker: Christian Daughton, USEPA
“PPCPS in the Environment: An Overview of the Science”


Plenary Speaker: Kim Linton, AWWARF
“Drinking Water Research on Trace Organics


Plenary Speaker: Theo Colborn, University of Florida-Gainesville
“Emerging Public Health Issues: Stealth Chemicals and [...]


Dialogue Opening Remarks


Richard A. Engberg - Opening Remarks


Gerry Galloway - Opening Remarks

Panel 1 - Federal Agency Perspectives on Water Policy


Robert M. Hirsch - US Geological Survey


Benjamin H. Grumbles - US Environmental Protection Agency


Arlen Lancaster - Natural Resources Conservation Service


LTG Carl A. Strock - US Army Corps of Engineers


Ken Stansell - US Fish [...]

Jerry Sehlke, President AWRA
It seems that with every presidential election and inauguration we hear about how important this election is and how critical the issues are facing us this election cycle.  And each time it is probably true.  However, it is undeniable that we are presently facing many monumental challenges.  These include a world-wide economic [...]

The January-February 2009 issue of Southwest Hydrology has hit the streets and it’s a real special issue - advice to President Obama and the new Congress from some of the country’s foremost water experts.
From the WWW site:
January 2009 brings the inauguration of a new President and many new members of Congress. They and the continuing [...]

John Kosco and Nikos Singelis
Accurate data on stormwater best management practice (BMP) performance is important for many reasons. Engineers use BMP performance data to estimate effectiveness and meet design requirements. Municipal officials use BMP performance data to assess whether a particular design will meet local requirements. State and local water quality professionals use BMP performance [...]

keep looking »


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