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Degree Requirements
MU In The Evening offers one bachelor's degree housed in the College of Arts & Science Special Degree Programs. It is called a bachelor of general studies and is an excellent degree for working adults. To hear how a general studies degree can be helpful to you, visit Video FAQs and view the videos in the "Overview" section.

While it is ultimately the responsibility of each student to make sure all of the requirements for graduation are met, MU In The Evening has an adviser who will help you make sure these criteria are being met.

  • 120 semester hours of credit with a minimum 2.0 GPA in all courses taken in each component area
  • A 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA
  • A 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA in courses taken after a student has accumulated 60 hours of college credit 
  • A 2.0 minimum GPA in all courses taken in the final 30 hours
  • The last 30 semester hours of the program must be completed at MU
  • Grades of D are not acceptable to receive credit in component courses
  • A minimum of 30 semester hours in courses numbered 200 level or above
  • A course in American government or history

Specific Requirements for the Bachelor of General Studies

Completion of the following Basic Skills courses (Foundation Requirements)
English 1000 and Math 1120 (or equivalents) with grades of C- or higher

Students enrolling in college for the first time in the fall semester of 1993 or later are required to complete the following:

  • Two approved Writing Intensive courses with English 1000 as a prerequisite (grade C- or higher)
  • One approved math-reasoning proficiency course with College Algebra as a prerequisite (grade C- or higher)

Breadth of Study requirements:

  • 9 hours of biological, physical and mathematical sciences, including two of the three areas; and one biological or physical science lab course
  • 9 hours from course work in behavioral sciences (anthropology, psychology, sociology) and social sciences (geography, history, political science, economics) including one course in each area
  • 9 hours from humanities and fine arts courses. Must include work from at least two different areas.
  • 3 additional hours from any of the above categories

Depth of Study requirements:

  • 9 hours of the foundation courses must be in Arts & Science course work at the 2000 level or above.
  • Only one (1) approved non-Arts & Science course may be used in each of the 3 categories:  1) biological, physical, and mathematical sciences; 2) behavioral sciences and social sciences; 3) humanities and fine arts

Completion of the Component Course Work:

  • Three fields of study, each including a minimum of 15 hours of course work, from the core of the BGS degree program.
  • A minimum of 21 hours, six in each component, plus the three-hour capstone, must be taken in courses at the 3000-level and above.
  • At least one component must comprise courses offered wholly within the College of Arts & Science. The remaining two components may be chosen from other academic divisions.
  • Transfer students are expected to include at least six hours of course work at the 3000-level and above in courses taken at MU in each component. Transfer students may, however, construct one component solely with courses taken at other institutions, in which case 9 hours of 3000-level work is required in each of the other two components.
  • No more than six hours of special projects or internships may be included in any one component; the combined total for such work is limited to 12 hours.

Notes: At least one course numbered 2000 or above must be completed in natural sciences and in behavioral and social sciences. Courses used to satisfy foundation requirements may not be used to satisfy the BGS component requirements.

Capstone requirement

MU In The Evening General Studies students must complete a three-hour capstone essay/project by taking the course General Studies 4960 in the winter semester before their graduation.

Most courses offered at MU may be chosen as hours to apply to the 120 credit hours required for graduation. Please check with your adviser before enrolling in classes to make sure they will be accepted.

MU In The Evening |102 Whitten Hall |Columbia, MO 65211|Phone 1.800.545.2604 or 573.882.3598|Fax 573.882.5071|E-mail |A program offered by MU Direct: Continuing and Distance Education a division of MU Extension and the College of Arts and Sciences |Copyright © 1996—Curators of the University of Missouri |All rights reserved l DMCA and other copyright information |an equal opportunity/ADA institution

Last Update: October 24, 2007