New Student Orientation

Orientation 2009 – Hit the Ground R u n n i n g ® . . . 

Another Century of Tradition

On behalf of Alfred State College, we would like to extend a warm welcome to all of the incoming students and their families. In order to help in your transition, Alfred State has put together a New Student Orientation for the whole family. Guided by some of ASC’s finest students, the Orientation program works with other departments like Admissions, Academics, Health Services, Student Life, Athletics and more to make sure you have all of your questions answered by the time you end your day in July.

2008 Orientation Team Photo2008 Orientation TeamOur goal for new students and their families is not only to introduce them to the rich history of Alfred State College, but also begin a relationship that will continue on well after graduation.

Students and their families will attend several informative and interactive programs throughout the day, answering questions on items such as registration, financial aid and housing. Students and their families will tour a residence hall and see what a room similar to theirs will look like. Parents will have the chance to talk with some of our administrators about what to expect in the transition and first semester. ASC even has a program now for younger brothers and sisters of the ASC student. Let us show your student’s sibling what college is like by putting them in a real classroom lab and seeing where their older sibling will learn and live. Check out our Siblings Program.

Make Your Orientation Reservations

Group of Students Attending Orientation with Orientation LeaderGroup of students attending OrientationSummer orientation registration will be available online after March 15, 2009. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us at orientation [at] alfredstate [dot] edu or call 1-800-4-ALFRED (1-800- 425-3733).

  • "My son and I had a blast, thanks for taking away the anxiety!" – Parent at Summer Orientation
  • "The staff was amazing, thanks for all the help" – Student at Summer Orientation
  • “It was a great time; all students should go to it. I met a lot of parents who live around us as well!” – Parent at Overnight Orientation

***Remember - January and August Orientations are MANDATORY for all New Students***


Whether it's now or later, if you have questions, contact the Office of Student Activities & Orientation by telephone or e-mail. We're here to serve you and to make the transition to college easy! Check back here periodically for new information and updates. See you in July!

Read answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Contact Us

Office of Student Activities & Orientation
Orvis Activities Center
10 Upper College Drive
Alfred, NY 14802
Phone: (607) 587-4078 OR
E-mail: orientation [at] alfredstate [dot] edu
AOL IM: ASC Orientation