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Learning Opportunities for Faculty and K-12 Educators

Among the most important audiences for NEH’s We the People programs are educators in the nation’s K-12 schools, community colleges, colleges and universities.

Picturing America

Picturing America brings some of America’s art treasures into school classrooms and local libraries as sets of 20 large reproductions (24” x 36”) printed on both sides with high-quality color images. Educators also receive a teaching materials booklet, and have access to additional resource materials through the NEH website.

Professional development for K-16 educators

Online educational resources

  • EDSITEment - We the People funds have supported development of lesson plans on EDSITEment, focusing on themes in American history, culture, and ideas. EdSITEment features high-quality online humanities resources for teachers and classroom use, and is the product of an educational partnership among the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Trust for the Humanities, and ThinkFinity.