Friday, January 16, 2009

Claudia Svarstad

Claudia Svarstad was elected National Farmers Union’s vice president during the organization’s 106th convention, March 4, 2008. Svarstad joins NFU after working with Farmers Union Insurances for 33 years. She served as President and CEO while with FUI, as well as in marketing and underwriting roles.

Svarstad has also represented NFU on the board of the Alliance to End Hunger since 2005. She currently volunteers for five different hunger and AIDS fighting organizations as well, and has state and federal advocacy experience with nutrition and hunger issues.

Svarstad earned her B.A. degree, with majors in English and History, from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, S.D., and a law degree from the University of Colorado.

Svarstad grew up in Aberdeen, South Dakota where her brother is the fourth generation running the family grain and cattle farm. She continues to be actively involved in the farm’s operations, and currently lives in Frisco, Colo.