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Brief Summary


Assessment and management of stage I to IV pressure ulcers.


  • Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO). Assessment & management of stage I to IV pressure ulcers. Toronto (ON): Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO); 2007 Mar. 112 p. [118 references]


This is the current release of the guideline.

This guideline updates a previous version: Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO). Assessment and management of stage I to IV pressure ulcers. Toronto (ON): Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO); 2002 Aug. 104 p.



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The levels of evidence (Ia, Ib, IIa, IIb, III, IV) are defined at the end of the "Major Recommendations" field.


Recommendation 1.1

Conduct a history and focused physical assessment.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 1.2

Conduct a psychosocial assessment to determine the client's goals and their ability and motivation to comprehend and adhere to the treatment plan of care options.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 1.3

Assess quality of life from the client's perspective.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 1.4

Ensure adequate dietary intake to prevent malnutrition or replace existing deficiencies to the extent that this is compatible with the individual's wishes.

(Level of Evidence = III)

Recommendation 1.5

Prevent clinical nutrient deficiencies by ensuring that the patient is provided with optimal nutritional support through one or more of the following:

  • Consultation with a Registered Dietitian for assessment (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Consultation with a speech language pathologist for swallowing assessment (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • A varied, balanced diet to meet clinical requirements for healing and co-existing diseases (e.g., renal failure and diabetes) (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Nutritional supplements if needed (Level of Evidence = Ia)
  • Multivitamin and mineral preparations (Level of Evidence = Ib)
  • Enteral tube feeding (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Parenteral nutrition (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Ongoing monitoring of nutritional intake, laboratory data and anthropometric data (Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 1.6

Assess all patients for pain related to the pressure ulcer or its treatment.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 1.7

Assess location, frequency, and intensity of pain to determine the presence of underlying disease, the exposure of nerve endings, efficacy of local wound care, and psychological need.

(Level of Evidence = IIb)

Recommendation 1.8

Assess all patients with EXISTING PRESSURE ULCERS to determine their risk for developing additional pressure ulcers using the "Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk."

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 1.9

If the patient remains at risk for other pressure ulcers, a high specification foam mattress instead of a standard hospital mattress should be used to prevent pressure ulcers in moderate to high risk patients.

(Level of Evidence = Ia)

Recommendation 1.10

Vascular assessment (e.g., clinical assessment, palpable pedal pulses, capillary refill, ankle/brachial pressure index and toe pressure) is recommended for ulcers in lower extremities to rule out vascular compromise.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Management of Causative/Contributing Factors

Recommendation 2.1

Choose the support surface which best fits with the overall care plan for the client considering the goals of treatment, client bed mobility, transfers, caregiver impacts, ease of use, cost/benefit, etc. Ensure ongoing monitoring and evaluation to ensure that the support surface continues to meet the client's needs and that the surface is used appropriately and is properly maintained. If the wound is not healing, consider the total care plan for the client before replacing the surface.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 2.2

Pressure management of the heels while in bed should be considered independently of the support surface.

(Level of Evidence = III)

Recommendation 2.3

Use pressure management for clients in the Operating Room to reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers post operatively.

(Level of Evidence = Ia)

Recommendation 2.4

Obtain a seating assessment if a client has a pressure ulcer on a sitting surface.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 2.5

Refer patients at RISK to appropriate interdisciplinary team members (Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Enterostomal Therapist, etc). Utilize those with expertise in seating, postural alignment, distribution of weight, balance, stability, and pressure management when determining positioning for sitting individuals. Ensure support surfaces are used appropriately and are properly maintained.

(Strength of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 2.6

A client with a pressure ulcer on the buttocks and or trochanter should optimize mobilization. If pressure on the ulcer can be managed, encourage sitting as tolerated.

(Strength of Evidence = IV)

Local Wound Care


Recommendation 3.1a

To plan treatment and evaluate its effectiveness, assess the pressure ulcer(s) initially for:

  • Stage/Depth
  • Location
  • Surface Area (length x width) (mm2, cm2)
  • Odour
  • Sinus tracts/Undermining/Tunneling
  • Exudate
  • Appearance of the wound bed
  • Condition of the surrounding skin (periwound) and wound edges

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.1b

Conduct a comprehensive reassessment weekly to determine wound progress and the effectiveness of the treatment plan. Monitor for variances from assessment with each dressing change. Identification of variances indicates need for reassessment.

(Level of Evidence = IV)


Recommendation 3.2a

Lower extremity ulcers or wounds in patients who are gravely palliative with dry eschar need not be debrided if they do not have edema, erythema, fluctuance, or drainage. Assess these wounds daily to monitor for pressure ulcer complications that would require debridement.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.2b

Prior to debridement on ulcers on the lower extremities, complete a vascular assessment (e.g., clinical assessment, palpable pedal pulses, capillary refill, ankle/brachial pressure index, and toe pressure) to rule out vascular compromise.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.2c

Determine if debridement is appropriate for the patient and the wound.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.2d

If debridement is indicated, select the appropriate method of debridement considering:

  • Goals of treatment (e.g., healability)
  • Client's condition (e.g., end of life, pain, risk of bleeding, patient preference, etc.)
  • Type, quantity, and location of necrotic tissue
  • The depth and amount of drainage
  • Availability of resources

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.2e

Sharp debridement should be selected when the need is urgent, such as with advancing cellulitis or sepsis, increased pain, exudate, and odour. Sharp debridement must be conducted by a qualified person.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.2f

Use sterile instruments to debride pressure ulcers.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.2g

Prevent or manage pain associated with debridement. Consult with a member of the healthcare team with expertise in pain management. Refer to the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) Best Practice Guideline Assessment and Management of Pain (Revised)(2007).

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Control Bacteria/Infection

Recommendation 3.3a

The treatment of infection is managed by wound cleansing, systemic antibiotics, and debridement, as needed.

(Level of Evidence = Ib)

Recommendation 3.3b

Protect pressure ulcers from sources of contamination, e.g., fecal matter

(Level of Evidence = IIa)

Recommendation 3.3c

Follow Body Substance Precautions (BSP) or an equivalent protocol appropriate for the healthcare setting and the client's condition when treating pressure ulcers.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.3d

Medical management may include initiating a two-week trial of topical antibiotics for clean pressure ulcers that are not healing or are continuing to produce exudate after two to four weeks of optimal patient care. The antibiotic should be effective against gram-negative, gram-positive and anaerobic organisms.

(Level of Evidence = Ib)

Recommendation 3.3e

Medical management may include appropriate systemic antibiotic therapy for patients with bacteremia, sepsis, advancing cellulitis or osteomyelitis.

(Level of Evidence = Ib)

Recommendation 3.3f

To obtain a wound culture, cleanse wound with normal saline first. Swab wound bed, not eschar, slough, exudate, or edges.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.3g

The use of cytotoxic antiseptics to reduce bacteria in wound tissue is not usually recommended.

(Level of Evidence = IIb)

Wound Cleansing

Recommendation 3.4a

Do not use skin cleansers or antiseptic agents (e.g., povidone iodine, iodophor, sodium hypochlorite solution, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid) to clean ulcer wounds.

(Level of Evidence = III)

Recommendation 3.4b

Use normal saline, Ringer's lactate, sterile water, or non-cytotoxic wound cleansers for wound cleansing.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.4c

Fluid used for cleansing should be warmed at least to room temperature.

(Level of Evidence = III)

Recommendation 3.4d

Cleanse wounds at each dressing change.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.4e

To reduce surface bacteria and tissue trauma, the wound should be gently irrigated with 100 to 150 milliliters of solution.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.4f

Use enough irrigation pressure to enhance wound cleansing without causing trauma to the wound bed. Safe and effective ulcer irrigation pressures range from 4 to 15 pounds per square inch (psi). Pressure of 4 to 15 psi is achieved by using:

  • 35 milliliter syringe with a 19 gauge angiocath, or
  • Single-use 100 milliliter saline squeeze bottle

(Level of Evidence = IIa)

Management Approaches

Recommendation 3.5a

For comprehensive wound management options, consider the following:

  • Etiology of the wound
  • Client's general health status, preference, goals of care, and environment
  • Lifestyle
  • Quality of life
  • Location of the wound
  • Site of the wound, including depth and undermining
  • Pain
  • A dressing that will loosely fill wound cavity
  • Exudate: type and amount
  • Risk of infection
  • Risk of recurrence
  • Type of tissue involved
  • Phase of the wound healing process
  • Frequency of the dressing change
  • Comfort and cosmetic appearance
  • Where and by whom the dressing will be changed
  • Product availability
  • Adjunctive therapies

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.5b

Moisture-retentive dressings optimize the local wound environment and promote healing.

(Level of Evidence = Ia)

Recommendation 3.5c

Consider caregiver time when selecting a dressing.

(Level of Evidence = Ib)

Recommendation 3.5d

Consider the following criteria when selecting an interactive dressing:

  • Maintains a moist environment (Level of Evidence = Ia)
  • Controls wound exudate, keeping the wound bed moist and the surrounding intact skin dry (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Provides thermal insulation and wound temperature stability (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Protects from contamination of outside micro-organisms (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Maintains its integrity and does not leave fibres or foreign substances within the wound (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Does not cause trauma to wound bed on removal (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Client/patient preference (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Is simple to handle, and is economical in cost and time (Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 3.5e

Monitor dressings applied near the anus, since they are difficult to keep intact. Consider use of special sacral-shaped dressings.

(Level of Evidence = Ib)

Adjunctive Therapies

Recommendation 3.6a

Refer to physiotherapy for a course of treatment with electrotherapy for Stage III and IV pressure ulcers that have proved unresponsive to conventional therapy. Electrical stimulation may also be useful for recalcitrant Stage II ulcers.

(Level of Evidence = Ib)

Recommendation 3.6b

Chronic pressure ulcers may be treated by:

  • Electrical stimulation (Level of Evidence = Ib)
  • Ultraviolet light C (Level of Evidence = IIa)
  • Warming therapy (Level of Evidence = Ib)
  • Growth factors (Level of Evidence = Ib)
  • Skin equivalents (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Negative pressure wound therapy (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Hyperbaric oxygen (Level of Evidence = IV)

Surgical Intervention

Recommendation 3.7

Possible candidates for operative repair are medically stable, adequately nourished and are able to tolerate operative blood loss and postoperative immobility.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Discharge/Transfer of Care Arrangements

Recommendation 4.1

Clients moving between care settings should have the following information provided:

  • Risk factors identified
  • Details of pressure points and skin condition prior to transfer
  • Need for pressure management/mobility equipment (e.g., support surfaces, seating, special transfer equipment, heel boots)
  • Details of healed ulcers
  • Stage, site and size of existing ulcers
  • History of ulcers, previous treatments and dressings (generic) used
  • Type of dressing currently used and frequency of change
  • Any allergies to dressing products
  • Need for on-going nutritional support

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 4.2

Use the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario Best Practice Guideline Risk Assessment and Prevention of Pressure Ulcers (Revised) (2005) (see the National Guideline Clearinghouse [NGC] summary of the RNAO guideline).

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Patient Education

Recommendation 5.1

Involve the patient and caregiver, when possible, in pressure ulcer treatment and prevention strategies and options. Include information on pain, discomfort, possible outcomes and duration of treatment, if known. Other areas of education may include patient information regarding appropriate support surfaces, as well as roles of various health professionals. Collaborate with patient, family and caregivers to design and implement a plan for pressure ulcer prevention and treatment.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Educational Recommendations

Recommendation 6.1

Design, develop and implement educational programs that reflect a continuum of care. The program should begin with a structured, comprehensive, and organized approach to prevention and should culminate in effective treatment protocols that promote healing as well as prevent recurrence.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 6.2

Develop educational programs that target appropriate healthcare providers, patients, family members and caregivers. Present information at an appropriate level for the target audience, in order to maximize retention and facilitate translation into practice.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 6.3

Include the following information when developing an educational program on the treatment of pressure ulcers:

  • Role of the interdisciplinary team
  • Etiology and pathology
  • Risk factors
  • Individualized program of skin care, quality of life, and pain management
  • Uniform terminology for stages of tissue damage based on specific classifications
  • Need for accurate, consistent and uniform assessment, description, and documentation of the extent of tissue damage
  • Principles of wound healing
  • Principles of cleansing, debridement and infection control
  • Principles of nutritional support with regard to tissue integrity
  • Product selection (i.e., support surfaces, dressings, topical antibiotics, antimicrobials)
  • Principles of postoperative care including positioning and support surfaces
  • Principles of pressure management
  • Mechanisms for accurate documentation and monitoring of pertinent data, including treatment interventions and healing progress
  • Principles of patient education related to prevention to reduce recurrence

(Strength of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 6.4

Update knowledge and skills related to the assessment and management of pressure ulcers on an ongoing basis. Organizations should provide opportunities for professional development related to the best practice guideline and support its use in daily practice.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Organization & Policy Recommendations

Recommendation 7.1

Guidelines are more likely to be effective if they take into account local circumstances and are disseminated by an active ongoing educational and training program.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 7.2

Practice settings need a policy with respect to providing and requesting advance notice when transferring or admitting clients between practice settings when special resources (e.g., surfaces) are required.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 7.3

Practice settings must ensure that resources are available to clients and staff, e.g., appropriate moisturizers, barriers, dressings, documentation systems, access to equipment and clinical experts, etc.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 7.4

Practice settings need a policy that requires product vendors to be registered as a regulated healthcare professional if they provide assessment and/or recommendations on any aspect of pressure ulcer related practice.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 7.5

Practice settings need an interdisciplinary team of interested and knowledgeable persons to address quality improvement in pressure ulcer management. This team requires representation across departments and programs.

(Level of Evidence = IV)

Recommendation 7.6

Nursing best practice guidelines can be successfully implemented only where there are adequate planning, resources, organizational and administrative support, as well as the appropriate facilitation. Organizations may wish to develop a plan for implementation that includes:

  • An assessment of organizational readiness and barriers to implementation
  • Involvement of all members (whether in a direct or indirect supportive function) who will contribute to the implementation process
  • Dedication of a qualified individual to provide the support needed for the education and implementation process
  • Ongoing opportunities for discussion and education to reinforce the importance of best practices
  • Opportunities for reflection on personal and organizational experience in implementing guidelines

(Level of Evidence = IV)


Levels of Evidence

Ia: Evidence obtained from meta-analysis or systematic review of randomized controlled trials.

Ib: Evidence obtained from at least one randomized controlled trial.

IIa: Evidence obtained from at least one well-designed controlled study without randomization.

IIb: Evidence obtained from at least one other type of well-designed quasi-experimental study without randomization.

III: Evidence obtained from well-designed non-experimental descriptive studies, such as comparative studies, correlation studies and case studies.

IV: Evidence obtained from expert committee reports or opinions and/or clinical experiences of respected authorities.


None provided



The type of supporting evidence is identified and graded for each recommendation (see "Major Recommendations").



  • Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO). Assessment & management of stage I to IV pressure ulcers. Toronto (ON): Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO); 2007 Mar. 112 p. [118 references]


The guideline has been adapted and modified from the following guidelines and related updates:

  1. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR). (1994). Treatment of Pressure Ulcers. Clinical Practice Guideline, Number 15. AHCPR Publication Number 95-0652. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


    Krasner, D. (1999). The AHCPR pressure ulcer infection control recommendations revisited. Ostomy/Wound Management, 45(1A Suppl.), 88S-91S.

    Ovington, L. (1999). Dressings and adjunctive therapies. AHCPR guidelines revisited. Ostomy/Wound Management, 45(1A Suppl.), 94S-106S.

    van Rijswijk, L. & Braden, B. (1999). Pressure ulcer patient and wound assessment: An AHCPR clinical practice guideline update. Ostomy/Wound Management, 45 (1A Suppl.), 56S-67S.

  1. Compliance Network Physicians/Health Force Initiative (1999). Guidelines for the outpatient treatment of chronic wounds and burns. Berlin: Blackwell Science Ltd.
  2. Clinical Resource Efficiency Support Team (CREST) (1998). Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Pressure Sores. Belfast, Northern Ireland: CREST Secretariat.
  3. Singapore Ministry of Health (2001). Nursing management of pressure ulcers in adults. Singapore: Singapore Ministry of Health.
  4. Folkedahl B.A., & Frantz R. (2002). Treatment of pressure ulcers. Iowa City, IA: The University of Iowa College of Nursing Gerontological Nursing Interventions Research Center, Research Translation and Dissemination Core.
  5. Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society (WOCN). (2003). Guideline for prevention and management of pressure ulcers. Glenview IL: Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society.


2002 Aug (revised 2007 Mar)


Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario - Professional Association


Funding was provided by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.


Not stated


Revision Panel Members (2006/2007)

Kathryn Kozell, RN, BA, MScN, ACNP, ET
Team Leader
Coordinator GI Disease Site Team and Disease Site Team Council
London Regional Cancer Program
London, Ontario

Nancy Bauer, RN, BA, B.Admin, ET
Professional Practice Leader – ET
Leamington District Memorial Hospital
Leamington, Ontario

Donna Flahr, RN, BSN, MSc(c)
Equipment & Product Standardization Nurse
(EPSN) Skin and Wound
Saskatoon Health Region
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Dixie Goetz, RN, BScN, ET, CCN(C)
Enterostomal Therapist
St. Mary's General Hospital
Kitchener, Ontario

Rosemary Kohr, RN, PhD, ACNP
NP/CNS Medical Care Program
London Health Sciences Centre
Assistant Professor
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario

Terri Labate, RN, BScN, CRRN, GCN(C)
Nurse Clinician
St. Joseph's Health Care – Parkwood Hospital
London, Ontario

Fran MacLeod, RN, MScN
Advanced Practice Nurse – Wound Care
West Park Healthcare Centre
Toronto, Ontario

Linda Norton, OTReg.(ONT)
Occupational Therapist
Shoppers Home Health Care
Toronto, Ontario

Nancy Parslow, RN, ET
Wound Care Specialty Nurse
Southlake Regional Health Centre
Newmarket, Ontario

Pamela Savage, RN, BA, MAEd, CON(C)
Clinical Nurse Specialist – Medical Oncology
University Health Network – Princess Margaret Hospital
Toronto, Ontario

Kevin Woo, RN, MSc, PhD(c), ACNP, GNC(C)
Clinical Scientist/ Nurse Practitioner –Wound Healing Clinic
Women's College Hospital
Lecturer, Department of Public Health Science
Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Samantha Mayo, RN, BScN, MN
Program Coordinator
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Toronto, Ontario


Declarations of interest and confidentiality were requested from all members of the guideline revision panel. Further details are available from the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario.


This is the current release of the guideline.

This guideline updates a previous version: Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO). Assessment and management of stage I to IV pressure ulcers. Toronto (ON): Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO); 2002 Aug. 104 p.


Electronic copies: Available in Portable Document Format (PDF) from the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) Web site.

Print copies: Available from the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO), Nursing Best Practice Guidelines Program, 158 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1L3.


The following are available:

Print copies: Available from the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO), Nursing Best Practice Guidelines Program, 158 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1L3.

In addition, a variety of implementation tools, including screening and assessment tools, are available in the original guideline document.


The following is available:

  • Health education fact sheet. Taking the pressure off: preventing pressure ulcers. Toronto (ON): Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO); 2003 Nov. 2 p.

Electronic copies: Available in Portable Document Format (PDF) from the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) Web site.

Print copies: Available from the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO), Nursing Best Practice Guidelines Program, 158 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1L3

Please note: This patient information is intended to provide health professionals with information to share with their patients to help them better understand their health and their diagnosed disorders. By providing access to this patient information, it is not the intention of NGC to provide specific medical advice for particular patients. Rather we urge patients and their representatives to review this material and then to consult with a licensed health professional for evaluation of treatment options suitable for them as well as for diagnosis and answers to their personal medical questions. This patient information has been derived and prepared from a guideline for health care professionals included on NGC by the authors or publishers of that original guideline. The patient information is not reviewed by NGC to establish whether or not it accurately reflects the original guideline's content.


This NGC summary was completed by ECRI on December 17, 2003. The information was verified by the guideline developer on January 16, 2004. This NGC summary was updated by ECRI Institute on September 28, 2007. The updated information was verified by the guideline developer on October 17, 2007.


With the exception of those portions of this document for which a specific prohibition or limitation against copying appears, the balance of this document may be produced, reproduced, and published in its entirety only, in any form, including in electronic form, for educational or non-commercial purposes, without requiring the consent or permission of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, provided that an appropriate credit or citation appears in the copied work as follows:

Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2007). Assessment and management of stage I to IV pressure ulcers. Toronto, Canada: Registered Nurses Association of Ontario.



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