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WOOLRIDGE: Language barriers affect schools' grade

January 16, 2009

You can hire poor teachers in any school, but if the school features all college-educated parents with kids that enjoy high IQs and positive educational propensities, you will see excellent grades no matter what teacher you place at the head of the class.

YOUNG: 'Next exit, one mile back'

January 16, 2009

This was my story Sunday on Interstate 70.

MARTIN: New commitment needed for higher education

January 15, 2009

The ability to keep higher education affordable and accessible for all students and their families without creating enormous student or family debt is a national issue, not just a state issue -- and certainly not just an “institutional” challenge.

CAMERON: Well-meant spay-neuter bill a hardship

January 14, 2009

As someone who has been actively involved in the animal rescue world for a number of years, I understand the intentions behind last year's Colorado HB 1185, now a law requiring shelters to spay or neuter animals prior to them leaving the premises. Rescue workers clearly encourage people to spay or neuter animals as a protection against overpopulation and abuse.

KOCSIS: Blaming Israel is a double standard

January 14, 2009

Diplomacy is for nations who want peace -- it doesn’t apply with players like Hamas, Hezbollah or the PLO.

GLATZ: Pushing Palestinians out of the lifeboat

January 13, 2009

Given a chance to be a fully functioning nation, without walls and checkpoints, without having its elected officials sitting in Israeli jails, without house demolitions and settlements occupied by foreigners, with Palestinian homes to go to instead of packed refugee camps in many countries, perhaps Palestine could be democratic and therefore worthy of being an ally.

HAGERMAN: Lapsed Christianity inflames Muslims

January 12, 2009

The fact that Christianity has been a moderating force in Western nations is conveniently overlooked.

CARLSON: Axing 3.2 a blow to beer lovers

January 11, 2009

The push this legislative session to do away with 3.2 beer and allow grocery and convenience stores to sell full-strength beer will make it harder, not easier, for Colorado beer lovers to buy the diverse array of beer styles for which Colorado is nationally known.

GENOVESE and CRONIN: Passing the torch

January 10, 2009

This coming inauguration, on Jan. 20, will be memorable for a host of reasons: the swearing in of our first black president, the largest attendance ever (LBJ’s 1965 event drew slightly over a million; Bush drew more than 100,000 in 2005), the culmination of a celebrity “rock star” netroots campaign, and because our new first lady, a descendant of slaves, will be moving into a White House built by slaves.

MAYER: Jewish state not viable

January 10, 2009

What Israelis and Palestinians both require is a unified secular democratic state in which all people can live in safety, all people are treated fairly, and all people are free to develop their own cultures.

POMERANCE: A new approach to ballot security

January 9, 2009

The seemingly endless recount in the Minnesota Senate race and the four-day ballot review process in Boulder County this November once again triggered voters' primary concerns: Were my votes properly recorded? And were everyone's votes totaled up accurately?

GAMBOA: Economic chaos from the top

January 9, 2009

Many may think that the current economic fiascoes are the results of bungling politicians and bureaucrats. FDR once said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

RUCKMAN: How did we let things get so bad?

January 8, 2009

People are going to expect the next president to keep the country together, improve our relations around the world, increase trade and fix all the other problems that families face daily.

PRINCE: Excuses for Israeli wrongs won't wash

January 7, 2009

Some years ago, I was a part of a circle that believed, because this country's conservative media was churning out criticisms of Joseph Stalin, such claims must be exaggerations if not outright lies. It was not possible, we reasoned, that the Soviet Union was eating its own, repressing millions, wantonly destroying the environment and trampling democracy . . . in the name of building socialism. But not only was it possible, it happened.

SONDERMANN: An unexpected appointment

January 6, 2009

The news of Gov. Bill Ritter's appointment of Michael Bennet to fill the soon-to-be-vacant U.S. Senate seat of Ken Salazar has been met with a fair degree of hand-wringing among Colorado Democrats and an excess of exuberance among local Republicans. (In light of the withered state of the Colorado GOP, they can be forgiven some momentary glee no matter how illusory it may turn out to be.)

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