Current Returns |
Look at the most recent month's returns for the G, F, C, S, and I Funds, as well as the rolling average return for the last 12 months. |
Monthly Returns |
Review the monthly returns of the TSP funds and their related indexes for the last 12 months, as well as the annual returns for the past 5 years. |
Historical Returns TSP Individual Funds TSP Lifecycle (L) Funds
View 10 years of annual returns for the TSP's G, F, and C Funds and the annual returns for the S, I, and L (Lifecycle) Funds since each was launched. You can also view the monthly rates of returns from each fund's inception. |
Share Prices |
View the daily and historical share prices for each of the TSP funds. The TSP funds do not have ticker symbols because they are not publicly traded. Click here to view the reasons why the change in the I Fund share price does not always correspond to the change in the EAFE Index which it tracks. |
Expense Ratios |
View the TSP's administrative expense ratios from 1988 through 2007. |
TSP Individual Fund Information Sheets |
The TSP has five individual funds. They are the G Fund, F Fund, C Fund, S Fund, and I Fund. Review the details of each fund to fully understand its potential risks and benefits. Click here to learn about the change to the index that the S Fund tracks. |
L Funds Information Sheet |
The L Funds are now available. Review the details of the lifecycle funds to fully understand their potential risks and benefits. The July 2005 Highlights and Qs & As are also available to assist you in learning about the L Funds. |
Comparison of the TSP Funds |
This is a chart providing a comparison of the TSP Funds. |