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The road to repairs

January 16, 2009

The transportation finance plans floated by a coalition assembled by Gov. Bill Ritter of elected officials, contractors and business leaders on one hand and Republican lawmakers on the other do not have to compete against one another.

Thirty years of reforms propel China to No. 3

January 16, 2009

This was inevitable, but when it came this week it was still a little bit of a shock: China surpassed Germany to become the world's third-largest economy.

Denver should experiment with private management of rec centers

January 15, 2009

When it comes to running recreation centers that help keep kids off the street and provide activities and exercise for everyone else, could private entities do a better job than Denver?

A blown case - and damaged moral authority

January 15, 2009

The U.S. did torture a Guantanamo Bay prisoner, to the point of twice almost killing him. That judgment comes from Susan Crawford, the Bush administration official responsible for convening the military commissions to try the detainees.

Critics of DPS appointment should keep student welfare in mind

January 14, 2009

If local Hispanic leaders protesting the appointment of Tom Boasberg as the next superintendent of Denver schools thought the district were headed in the wrong direction, their objections might carry more weight.

A final appearance for the president

January 14, 2009

One of the puzzles of President Bush's eight years in the White House is why he did so few press conferences because - despite his reputation for mangling the language - he does them so well. And he did again in the last press conference of his presidency, choosing to come to the White House briefing room, the reporters' territory, rather than the more elegant venue of the East Room.

Cops need ICE data

January 13, 2009

Does the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service operate on an honor system? Apparently so - at least in some cases - based on evidence presented by a task force created by Gov. Bill Ritter in the wake of a September 2008 fatal accident in Aurora involving illegal immigrant Francis Hernandez.

Walk, but don't drive, to the inauguration

January 11, 2009

Washington has a curious way of celebrating Barack Obama's inaugural. The authorities are shutting down most of the city for the day.

Red light for Redflex

January 11, 2009

It's time to put the brakes on a contract to nab red-light runners by taking pictures of their license plates.

Obama's conflicting goals

January 11, 2009

President-elect Barack Obama is taking office embracing two almost mutually exclusive economic goals. On the one hand, he wants to gain control over the spiraling federal budget deficit - the excess of spending over revenues - and on the other he is seeking massive federal spending in an attempt to kick-start the flagging economy.

Don't delay digital age

January 10, 2009

The coupon money has run out for consumers to convert their analog TV signals to digital, and the Feb. 17 switch is approaching almost as fast as the next season of American Idol.

A giant sucking sound

January 10, 2009

This surely is not how George Bush wanted to end his presidency.

Governor keeps focus on jobs and budget

January 9, 2009

The words "higher education" never passed the lips of Gov. Bill Ritter during his State of the State address Thursday. In fact, the only time he mentioned colleges was in the context of legislation to help high-school students take college courses.

Seat the senator

January 8, 2009

Senate Democrats have wisely backpedaled from their initial attempts to deny the U.S. Senate seat once held by President-elect Barack Obama to Roland W. Burris, Illinois' former attorney general.

Russia's wake-up call for Europe

January 8, 2009

Europeans likely didn't need much more evidence of how unreliable a partner Russia can be, but this week the Kremlin gave them definitive proof.

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