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Membership benefits include:

  • Subscriptions to our quarterly newsletter and bulletins, as well as to The Natural Farmer, the quarterly publication of the parent NOFA organization
  • Discounts on our Winter Conference and Spring Bulk Order, as well as on the annual NOFA Summer Conference, held at Hampshire College in Massachusettes
  • Inclusion (if you wish) on the Food Map
  • Early notice of farm and garden tours, conferences, lectures, and workshops
  • Free classifieds in the newsletter
  • And the satisfaction in knowing that you are supporting healthy food, a clean environment, and the fastest-growing segment of American agriculture.

Click here to download a printable version of our membership form in PDF format.

NOFA NH, Inc.   ·   4 Park Street   ·   Suite 208   ·   Concord, NH 03301   ·   Phone: 603.224.5022   ·   email:

Copyright 2003 NOFA-NH. All Rights Reserved.
NOFA NH Web site designed and maintained by MediaChameleons