Return to TSP Calculator Introduction Calculators
ASEC Ballpark Estimate Calculator

The TSP is one source of your retirement income.  Other major sources of retirement income include your FERS Basic Annuity or CSRS annuity (or your retired pay if you are a member of the uniformed services), Social Security benefits, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and other savings.  To find out how much you need to save for retirement, link to the Ballpark Estimate calculator below.  The calculator was developed by the American Savings Education Council to calculate how much you need to save each year from now until retirement based on your estimates of retirement income and existing savings.

What You Need for the Ballpark Estimate Calculator Where to Find Information
Estimate of annual income from FERS Basic Annuity or CSRS annuity.   Contact your agency or service personnel office to find out how to estimate your annual income from your FERS or CSRS annuity.
Social Security benefit estimate, if applicable  Request a Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement (PEBES) from the Social Security Administration (SSA) Web site.  The SSA will mail the PEBES to you.
Current savings balances Access your most recent account balance in Account Access, or you can call the ThriftLine.  Include savings from other retirement investment accounts, as well.

The Ballpark Estimate calculator is just the first step in retirement planning.  For more in-depth planning, you may want to consult your agency's or service's retirement or benefits counselor, visit the Office of Personnel Management Web site at, read books and articles on retirement planning, or use more detailed software to test a variety of assumptions for estimated benefits, expenses, and rates of return.