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Fire History

Fire History Timeline - FLASH
Explore the past events that have shaped fire policy in the United States today. Flash version.

Fire History Timeline - Text Version
Text versions of each section found in the Flash version of the Fire Timeline.

Case Studies

Living with Fire and Smoke Presentation - FLASH
An interactive story about the effects of wildfire and smoke on communities, how fire managers are taking steps to minimize those effects and residents can also use FIREWISE practices to further minimize the effects of wildland fire.


Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Presentation - FLASH
An interactive presentation about how a landscape recovers after a fire, sometimes requiring the efforts of a team of specialists, known as a BAER Team.

Homestead National Monument of America Presentation - FLASH
An interactive story of maintaining the tallgrass prairie in Nebraska through prescribed fire.

Canaveral National Seashore Presentation - FLASH
Restoring the fire-dependent ecosystem at Canaveral National Seashore, Florida.

Voyageurs National Park Presentation - FLASH
The story of a Wildland Fire Use event that took place during summer 2004 - The Section 33 Fire.

Prescribed Fire Presentation - FLASH
What is the process behind using fire as a management tool? Learn all that goes into planning and executing a prescribed fire.

photo: Smoke and burnt trees on island in middle of lake.

Living with Fire and Smoke Case Study - Text Version
Text version of information in the Living with Fire and Smoke Case Study

Burned Area Emergency Response Case Study - Text Version
Text version of information in BAER Case Study

Homestead National Monument of America Case Study - Text Version
Text version of information in Homestead Case Study

Canaveral National Seashore Case Study - Text Version
Text version of information in Canaveral Case Study

Voyageurs National Park Case Study - Text Version
Text version of information in Voyageurs Case Study

Prescribed Fire Case Study - Text Version
Text version of information in Prescribed Fire Case Study

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