Friday, January 16, 2009

Video Gallery

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1-11-09 NFU President Tom Buis gave the keynote address to the South Dakota Corn Growers Annual meeting. Buis discussed the challenges and opportunities ahead for agriculture and agriculture’s relationship with the incoming administration.


12-12-08 NFU President Tom Buis spoke at North Dakota Farmers Union’s annual convention. Buis discussed the troubled national economy, but said he is hopeful action will be taken when the new Congress meets in January.

12-5-08 NFU President Tom Buis spoke at Nebraska Farmers Union’s annual convention. Buis stressed the importance of continuing efforts to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources by increasing the use and production of fuels from the farm.

9-25-08 NFU President Tom Buis joined North Dakota Farmers Union President Robert Carlson for farm bill meetings across North Dakota. Buis said a particular concern was ensuring USDA implement the bill’s mandatory COOL provisions as Congress intended.

9-25-08 NFU President Tom Buis joined North Dakota Farmers Union President Robert Carlson for farm bill meetings across North Dakota. Buis discussed the next steps for implementing the 2008 Farm Bill and urged Farmers Union members to remain involved.

9-9-08 During a Capitol Hill press conference NFU President Tom Buis called on Congress to pass comprehensive energy legislation that supports renewable energy. Buis said America’s farmers are ready to be a part of America’s energy solution.

9-9-08 Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, spoke before Farmers Union members at a press conference calling for Congressional action to alleviate sky-high energy prices and in support of renewable fuels from the farm during NFU’s fall fly-in.

9-9-08 Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., spoke before Farmers Union members at a press conference calling for Congressional action to alleviate sky-high energy prices and in support of renewable fuels from the farm during NFU’s fall fly-in.

9-9-08 Sen. Saxby Chambliss, D-Ga., spoke before Farmers Union members at a press conference calling for Congressional action to alleviate sky-high energy prices and in support of renewable fuels from the farm during NFU’s fall fly-in.

9-9-08 Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., spoke before Farmers Union members at a press conference calling for Congressional action to alleviate sky-high energy prices and in support of renewable fuels from the farm during NFU’s fall fly-in.

9-9-08 Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., spoke before Farmers Union members at a press conference calling for Congressional action to alleviate sky-high energy prices and in support of renewable fuels from the farm during NFU’s fall fly-in.

9-9-08 Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., spoke before Farmers Union members at a press conference calling for Congressional action to alleviate sky-high energy prices and in support of renewable fuels from the farm during NFU’s fall fly-in.

8-26-08 Minnesota Farmers Union and Minnesota Cooks joined together at the Minnesota State Fair to enjoy locally produced food prepared by the area’s top chefs. Minnesota Cooks brings together farmers and chefs promotes healthy, farm-fresh food.


8-21-08 National Farmers Union Vice President of Government Relations Katy Ziegler was in Wisconsin to discuss the 2008 Farm Bill. Ziegler highlighted the bill’s mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL) provision that will go into effect Sept. 30, 2008.

8-8-08 National Farmers Union’s Farmers Share sets the record straight on the food versus fuel myths. Check out his video from NFU Summer Intern Mike Stranz to learn the real reasons for rising food prices.

7-29-08 National Farmers Union hosted a Capitol Hill press conference where NFU President Tom Buis announced farmers and ranchers across the country had earned $8 million through the Farmers Union Carbon Credit Program

7-29-08 Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., took part in a Capitol Hill press conference in support of the Farmers Union Carbon Credit Program. Lugar’s Indiana farm is enrolled in the program and he has been a steadfast supporter since its launch.

7-29-08 Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., took part in a Capitol Hill press conference in support of the Farmers Union Carbon Credit Program. Stabenow praised farmers for being at the forefront of national conservation efforts while combating climate change.

7-29-08 Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colo., took part in a Capitol Hill press conference in support of the Farmers Union Carbon Credit Program. Salazar said the program is a win-win for agricultural producers as well as consumers.

BuisFarmBill7-1-08 NFU President Tom Buis was part of an NBC News piece on FDA’s search for the cause of a recent salmonella outbreak. Originally thought to be from tomatoes, FDA is now looking for other culprits. Buis discussed the affect this has had, so far.


6-23-08 NFU President Tom Buis was the guest on E&E TV’s On Point. The show covered a whole host of topics, including recent flooding in the Midwest and the farm bill’s permanent disaster program.


6-10-08 NFU President Tom Buis appeared on CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss food safety concerns and the affect tainted tomatoes are having, and could potential have on America’s family farmers.


5-29-08 NFU President Tom Buis appeared on CNBC’s The Call and quickly found himself fending off attacks on ethanol production. Buis said ethanol is contributing to our nation’s energy supply and reducing prices at the pump.

Buis-Convention5-4-08 NFU President Tom Buis appeared as part of a piece on CNBC’s Business Nation. The story, “Field of Dreams,” focused on an Iowa farmer who has expanded his family’s farming operations to Brazil and the opportunities the country holds for agriculture.

Buis-Convention5-1-08 NFU President Tom Buis was shown on NBC’s Nightly News testifying before the Senate Joint Economic Committee on how food prices are impacting American families. The price of energy is the real culprit, Buis said.

Buis-Convention4-24-08 NFU President Tom Buis appeared on the Fox Business Channel to discuss the “rice shortage” taking place as Costco and Sam’s Club are rationing rice, and whether or not Americans should be worried.

Buis-Convention4-24-08 NFU President Tom Buis appeared on the Fox News channel to discuss rising food prices in the United States. Buis’ appearance followed his comments to the CFTC on Tuesday, April 22, 2008.

Buis-Convention4-23-08 NFU President Tom Buis appeared on Fox Business‘ Happy Hour along with Midas Fund portfolio manager Thomas Winmill to debate whether speculators are to blame for rising food prices.

4-18-08 Indiana Farmers Union President Jim Benham appeared on ABC’s 20/20 to discuss daylight savings’ affect on farmers. “Your Weather: Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity” aimed to uncover secrets and debunk myths about the bi-annual tradition.

Doug Peterson 3-7-08 Minnesota Farmers Union president Doug Peterson and member Scott Hoese appeared on CNN Money’s “Hit Hard in the Heartland,” highlighting how record-high oil prices are offsetting the boom in commodity prices and making business tough for farmers in Minnesota.

Schafer-Convention3-3-08 Recently sworn in U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Ed Schafer addressed convention attendees on day two. Schafer discussed the pending farm bill and food safety issues.

Buis-Convention3-2-08 NFU President Tom Buis gives the State of Farmers Union at the beginning of NFU’s annual convention, held this year in Las Vegas, Nev. Buis highlighted the organization’s achievements over the past year.

Bergman3-2-08 Outgoing NFU Vice President Alan Bergman was presented with the organization’s Meritorious Service Award for service to Farmers Union and agriculture. Some of his friends put together this video to thank him.

NFU3-2-08 During the 2008 NFU Convention Opening Night Banquet, a video highlighting the events of the last year was shown. It has been a very busy and successful year for National Farmers Union!

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