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Brief Summary

The National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC), sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, includes the following attributes in the Brief Summary.

Guideline Title Identifies the complete title of the guideline.
Bibliographic Source(s) Identifies the complete bibliographic source(s) for the published guideline as disseminated by the guideline developer(s). The number of references cited is included for each source. Links are provided to PubMed where applicable.
Guideline Status Identifies whether the guideline is a revised or updated version of a previously issued document as well as whether an update is currently in progress.
FDA Warning/Regulatory Alert Identifies important warnings and/or revised regulatory information released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or other official regulatory body for a drug and/or device for which recommendations are provided in the original guideline document.

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Major Recommendations Identifies the major recommendations, copied verbatim from the guideline, or supplied separately by the guideline developer.
Clinical Algorithm(s) Identifies which of the recommendations are expressed in the form of clinical algorithm(s) and where the algorithm(s) are provided.
References Supporting the Major Recommendations Lists the references of evidence supporting the recommendations when explicit recommendations are offered and when the references are supplied with those explicit recommendations. Links are provided to PubMed where applicable.
Type of Evidence Supporting the Recommendations Describes the type of evidence supporting the recommendations.
Bibliographic Source(s) Identifies the complete bibliographic source(s) for the published guideline as disseminated by the guideline developer(s). The number of references cited is included for each source. Links are provided to PubMed where applicable.
Adaptation Identifies that the guideline has been adapted from another guideline and identifies the source document.
Date Released Identifies the date the guideline was released to the public.
Guideline Developer(s) Identifies the organization(s) responsible for the development of the guideline. Each organization is classified by the major designation or function (derived from the Organization Type attribute), such as "Medical Specialty Society" or "Professional Association".
Guideline Developer Comment If the guideline developer is a consortium or represents a group of organizations, this attribute identifies the individual organizations by name.
Source(s) of Funding Identifies source(s) of financial support for guideline development, as identified in the guideline text or by the guideline developer. Lists any grant numbers associated with funding, as identified in the guideline text or by the guideline developer.
Guideline Committee Identifies formal name, if any, of committee/subcommittee within the guideline developer organization(s) responsible for developing the guideline.
Composition of Group that Authored the Guideline Describes the composition of the group/committee that authored the guideline, including professional degrees and affiliations, and lists the names of individual committee members, where given.
Financial Disclosures/Conflicts of Interest Captures relationships between individuals of the guideline development committee/group and for-profit and not-for-profit companies or organizations that could potentially influence that individual's contribution to the guideline's development.
Endorser(s) Identifies organization(s) that have endorsed the guideline, as identified in the text of the guideline document or explicitly by the guideline developer. Each organization is classified by the major designation or function (derived from the Organization Type attribute), such as "Medical Specialty Society" or "Professional Association".
Guideline Status Identifies whether the guideline is a revised or updated version of a previously issued document as well as whether an update is currently in progress.
Guideline Availability Identifies information about the availability of the guideline. Provides, where possible, information regarding electronic (including hypertext links to the full-text) copies and ordering information for print copies.
Availability of Companion Documents Identifies the companion documents produced by the guideline developer that are considered relevant to the guideline. These companion documents are not necessarily available within NGC.

For example, Quick Reference Guides and Technical Reports, all of which would be listed here, accompany guidelines produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (formerly the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research [AHCPR]).
Patient Resources Identifies patient resources that are directly related (i.e., derived and/or prepared from the guideline by the guideline developer) to the guideline included in NGC. The patient information is not reviewed by NGC to establish whether or not it accurately reflects the original guideline's content.
NGC Status Identifies when the guideline was completed or revised by ECRI, and verified by the submitting organization(s).
Copyright Statement Provides the copyright statement of the organization that submitted the guideline.
Disclaimer Provides disclaimer information about the relationship between NGC (including its sponsoring Agency AHRQ, and its contractor ECRI) and the guidelines and guideline developers represented on the Web site.

Indexing Attribute

Guideline Summaries are also indexed for the following attributes to support Detailed Searches, and Disease/Condition and Treatment/Intervention Browsing of the database.

Age of the Target Population Describes the age group(s) represented by the target population, enabling users to restrict their searches to a particular age group(s).
Sex of the Target Population Classifies the sex(es) represented by the target population, enabling users to restrict their searches to a particular gender.
Disease/Condition(s) NGC uses Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), along with other controlled vocabularies, such as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), incorporated into NLM's Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) to classify disease concepts related to NGC guidelines.
Treatment/Intervention NGC uses Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), along with other controlled vocabularies, such as the U.S. Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) Common Procedure Coding System and ECRI's Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System (UMDNS), incorporated into NLM's Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) to classify treatment/intervention concepts related to NGC guidelines.