Fact Sheets & Brochures

These fact sheets and brochures provide information about wildland-urban interface topics in a concise, easy-to-read format. We also have hard copies of most of these publications that you can request at no cost.


Fire in the Interface Fact Sheets
This fact sheet series provides information for home- and landowners about fire issues in the wildland-urban interface. Click on the links to view the fact sheets.

Preparing a Firewise Plant List for WUI Residents [View PDF document] [View Interactive Key]
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Selecting and Maintaining Firewise Plants for Landscaping [View PDF document] [Add to Cart]
Reducing Wildfire Risk While Achieving Other Landscaping Goals [View PDF document] [Add to Cart]
Understanding Fire Behavior [View PDF document] [Add to Cart]
Considering Fire in Florida’s Ecosystems [View]

Illustrated Guide to Firewise Shrubs [View PDF document] [Add to Cart]

InterfaceSouth Brochure [View PDF document] [Add to Cart]

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