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Quick Search Tips

The NGC Search engine is NOT case-sensitive

Exact Phrase Searches: Use double quotation marks to find phrases (e.g., "kidney disease"). This will narrow your search.

Or: Use "OR" between key words/phrases to find all documents containing at least one of the specified words/phrases (e.g., "pressure ulcer" or "pressure sore").

And: Use "AND" between key words/phrases to find all documents containing all of the specified words/phrases (e.g., diabetes and nephropathy).

And Not: Use "AND NOT" to exclude documents containing the specified words/phrases (e.g., nephropathy AND NOT diabetes)

Wildcard/Truncation: Use one asterisk before or after a root word to find all terms that include that root word. This search allows you to accept any variant spellings or word endings, from the occurrence of the symbol forward (e.g., "diabet* finds the word diabetes, diabetic, and other word ending variations")

Complex Searches Using Multiple Phrases and/or Boolean Operators: The use of double quotation marks is required for complex searches that include multiple phrases and/or Boolean operators, parenthetical grouping, or wildcard/truncation symbols. For example:

Aspirin AND "Cardiovascular Disease" AND (Mortality OR "Death*")

Note the use of double quotation marks around the phrase "Cardiovascular Disease" and around the wildcard/truncation for "Death*"