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Teen Survival Guide

Stress and how to deal

stressed-out girl

Being a teen is stressful! You might feel pressure to get good grades, fit in with a group, or make a sports team. Or maybe your home life stresses you out. Everybody has some stress. But too much stress, or allowing stress to build up, is unhealthy.

  • Talk it out. Vent to a friend or a trusted adult to blow off steam.
  • Work it out. Playing sports, fast walking, or dancing can lower your stress level.
  • Write it out. Express your feelings in a journal, or through music or art. To make your own journal go to
  • Play it out. Have fun doing something you love.
  • Laugh it out. Watch a funny movie or read cartoons.
  • Chill it out. Kick back and relax, catch up on sleep, or read.

Teen tip:

To blow off steam:

  1. Close your eyes.
  2. Take a deep breath through your nose, slowly and quietly.
  3. Hold it for a few seconds.
  4. Let it out, quickly and noisily through your mouth. Imagine that you are blowing away a worry or problem that you have.
  5. Do this several times.

Is your stress out of control? Check any of these that describe you.

  • I feel down, edgy, guilty, and/or tired.
  • I have headaches and/or stomachaches.
  • I have trouble sleeping.
  • I worry about my body and how it's changing.
  • I laugh out loud and/or cry for no reason.
  • I want to be alone all the time.
  • I am not able to see the positive side of things.
  • I don't enjoy doing the things that I used to enjoy.
  • I have too many things to do, but not enough time to get things done.

If these feelings do not go away after trying the tips above, talk to your parent or guardian, a school counselor, or another trusted adult.

From: Terri (age 11), Fairmont, Minnesota

Is stress always bad for you?

No. A little bit of stress can push you to do your best or get your work done. Take time each day to let go of any built-up stress to allow the "good" things that stress you out to kick in.

Content last updated February 12, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
