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ROSEN: Mainstream (liberal) media

January 16, 2009

In its Saturday opinion section, the Rocky Mountain News gives readers a chance to Talk Back to the Media. Under the headline "Mainstream media hardly monolithic," a liberal reader took issue with conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer's criticism of the "mainstream media" for shamelessly favoring Barack Obama during the presidential campaign. The reader disputed this and, implicitly, the notion that the mainstream media have a liberal bias.

BLAKE: Check insurance bill closely

January 15, 2009

The semi-annual packet from Little Green Lizard Inc. told me that my auto insurance premium for the next six months was going up by almost 20 percent.

CARROLL: Polis above it all

January 15, 2009

Touchy, isn't he? Newly minted Democratic U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, the man who doesn't trust a lobbyist to buy so much as a cup of coffee for a state lawmaker, is curiously reluctant to reveal the recipients of his own official largess.

CARROLL: Cell claims ring false

January 14, 2009

I was braced for mixed feelings regarding a proposed state ban on cell-phone use while driving. But I needn't have worried: House Bill 1094 treats cell-phone users differently, for no good reason, and deserves to be quashed.

CAMPOS: What is 'normal' weight?

January 14, 2009

What is Oprah Winfrey's "normal" weight? This question springs to mind in the wake of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's announcement that only about 30 percent of the nation's adult population is currently at what the CDC defines as a normal weight (according to these definitions, 34 percent of Americans are "obese," and 33 percent are "overweight. Three percent of us are supposedly underweight).

CARROLL: Not yet his own man

January 13, 2009

You won't glean much insight into Michael Bennet - aka, Colorado's next U.S. senator - from his early interviews with the media. He played it safe and never strayed outside the four corners of received Democratic wisdom.

THOMASSON: Is Secret Service overreacting? No

January 13, 2009

Has the Secret Service gone too far? It’s a question being asked with increasing frequency in these days before the inauguration of Barack Obama ...

WILL: Too much litigation, too little common sense

January 11, 2009

Time was, rights were defensive. They were to prevent government from doing things to you. Today, rights increasingly are offensive weapons wielded to inflict demands on other people, using state power for private aggrandizement.

KRAUTHAMMER: Ending Hamas rule has value

January 11, 2009

In the first four minutes of this war, the Israel Air Force destroyed 50 targets, taking down practically every instrument and symbol of Hamas rule. Gaza’s Potemkin leaders were marginalized and rendered helpless, leaving their people to fend for themselves. At such moments, regimes are extremely vulnerable to forfeiting what the Chinese call the mandate of heaven, the sense of legitimacy that undergirds all forms of governance.

KOPEL: ProPublica's shaky facts

January 10, 2009

Jason Salzman and I have different views, and write about different topics. So there has never been an instance in which Jason and I both screwed up on the very same topic.

ROSEN: Bring back Boone

January 9, 2009

I have many fond memories of my days at the University of Denver in the early 1970s. We had some great Pioneer hockey teams back then with future NHL stars like Pete McNab and Ron Grahame, led by legendary coach Murray Armstrong.

CARROLL: No empty word

January 8, 2009

Paul Campos says he "never denied" the moral difference between killing civilians during an assault on military targets and killing civilians purely because they are civilians. So this is progress.

Ellen GOODMAN: More to success than luck

January 8, 2009

There was a time when any woman who attributed her success to luck risked getting ticketed by the feminist police.

CARROLL: Why be frugal?

January 7, 2009

If you're like me, you're getting a little tired of hearing about the silver lining in the recession - how it's going to teach us the value of thrift and how "you can't spend what you don't earn," as Alan Murray of The Wall Street Journal put it the other day.

CAMPOS: Defining 'terrorism'

January 7, 2009

Rocky Mountain News editorial pages editor and columnist Vincent Carroll has taken exception to my observation last week that - especially in the context of contemporary Middle East politics - the word "terrorism" is gradually being drained of meaning.

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