
Showing publications 1 - 10 of 38 total.

An Urban Forestry Needs Assessment for the Rapidly Urbanizing Florida: Assesing Community Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Urban and Urbanizing Forests. [Abstract] [View PDF document] [454 KB]

Applying Ecosystem Management to Urban Forestry. [Abstract] [View PDF document] [3.54 MB]

Bi-Parental Cytoplasmic DNA Inheritance in Wisteria (Fabaceae): Evidence from a Natural Experiment. [Abstract] [View PDF document] [114 KB]

Building Successful Partnerships for Technology Transfer. [Abstract] [View PDF document] [20 KB]

Changing Land Use and Its Consequences. [View PDF document] [532 KB]

Changing Roles: WUI Professional Development Program. [View PDF document] [213 KB]

Communication Tools for the Wildland-Urban Interface. Paper in the 2003 National Urban Forest Conference Proceedings. [Abstract] [View PDF document] [857 KB]

Creating a Wildfire Risk Assessment Guide for Homeowners in the Southern U.S. U.S. Master's Technical Report. [Abstract] [View PDF document] [391 KB]

Culture, Place and Urban Growth in the U.S. South. [Abstract] [View PDF document] [294 KB]

Detection of Land-Use and Land Cover Changes in the Franklin Gulf, and Liberty Counties, Florida, with Multitemporal Landsat Thematic Mapper Images. [Abstract] [View PDF document] [984 KB]

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