Making Places Newsletter

Making Places, the PPS newsletter, puts you at the forefront of the movement to create more livable towns and cities, delivering the latest developments in Placemaking from the U.S. and abroad. Don't miss these exciting issues, and be sure to subscribe and have Making Places sent free of charge directly to your inbox.
Placemaking in a Down Economy
2008 will go down in history as a turning point. Unexpected new events and ideas surfaced, changing the way we will lead our daily lives in the future. Financial turmoil abruptly altered the economic picture, forcing people to shift their thinking about everything from the household budget to global interconnectedness.
Waterfronts Placemaking

We are seeing a dramatic rise of interest in waterfronts, as people everywhere desire great public spaces that can be enjoyed by the community as a whole. This all-new Waterfronts edition of the PPS newsletter is devoted to showcasing lessons from around the world about how waterfronts can become great public assets for everyone to use.


Great Streets
This newsletter highlights examples and qualities of great streets around the world and raises the bar substantially on the challenge to change transportation as we know it. We can have great streets in every neighborhood, downtown, city and region...if we want them. PPS can help you realize this transformative movement in your own communities through our "Streets as Places" and "Thinking beyond the Station" initiatives.


April 1, 2008


March 2008
Great Cities: Over half the world population now lives in cities, and while these cities are changing and growing at an unprecedented rate, there seems to be little discussion about what we want our cities to be like, or what the public realm can do to make cities great places to live.

November 2007
Civic Institutions: Partners for Livable Communities talks with PPS about how cultural institutions--museums, churches, libraries, public buildings, colleges and arts organizations--are reaching beyond their walls to work with communities.
September 2007
The Future of Markets: With the markets renaissance going strong for more than twenty years, it's natural to ask, "What's left for the markets movement to accomplish?" In a word: "Plenty."
August 2007
Great Neighborhoods: The neighborhood is a powerful--but often overlooked--tool for social improvement. Issues that seem overwhelming at the international or even municipal level can often be effectively tackled close to home.
April 2007
Libraries and Civic Centers: The creation of the "information superhighway" threatened to make libraries obsolete, but today they are as prominent as ever, redefining themselves as community centers for the 21st Century.
April 1, 2017
Our fourth April Fools spoof looks to the future, where Placemaking is big news.
February 2007
Waterfronts Edition: Waterfronts are inextricably linked to the identity and vitality of cities. As many cities rediscover their roots on the river, lake or sea, we have a remarkable opportunity to create a new generation of great public spaces.
New York City Commentary
We hope New Yorkers, visitors to the city, and people who have never been to New York will find this commentary enlightening. You can download a condensed version as a PDF.
April First, 2006
The third annual edition of our April Fools spoof, Faking Places.
January 2006
Photo Edition: All you need to turn a mediocre street, park, market, downtown or city into a great place are a few simple things: enthusiasm, dedication, and willingness to truly listen to the people who live, work and visit there. Oh yes, and a camera.
December 2005
Public Squares Edition: People today are crying out for lively gathering places where civic life flourishes and different cultures can mix, places that heal social isolation. Any community that wants to discover the rewards of public life can make a square its centerpiece.
November 2005
Neighborhoods Edition: There's a growing recognition that to create great communities we need good places to hang out with our friends and neighbors. And people everywhere--in suburbs, cities, and small towns--are beginning to take action. It can range from simple steps like forming a block club to big projects like establishing pedestrian-friendly streets. PPS is launching a new project to promote these exciting new developments--and we'd like your help.

October 2005
Public Markets Edition: Ever since humans first congregated in cities, markets have exerted a magnetic power over us--and they are on the upswing today because people are naturally drawn to the agreeable mix of both social and commercial activity that any good market offers. The next generation of markets is emerging as a viable alternative to conventional development projects like convention centers or big-box retail.

August 2005
Great Places Edition: This year's inductees to Great Public Spaces include a street market in a working class neighborhood of Amsterdam, an immigrant shopping street in Chicago and public squares in provincial cities of Brazil and Mexico, as well as the highly expensive and much hyped renovation to New York's Museum of Modern Art--proving once again that the best public places come in all shapes, sizes, and styles.

June 2005
Special Transportation Edition: The stories in this newsletter chronicle the first wave of a revolution in how we approach transportation and public space. PPS is showing the way forward, helping communities realize a different vision of what transportation can be.

April First, 2005
March 2005
Birth of a Movement: Over the past few years, people have grown accustomed at looking to Seattle and the Pacific Northwest as a source of new ideas and inspiration. Grunge rock, Microsoft, Starbuck's coffee and now... Placemaking? See how a spirited gathering in the Northwest has kickstarted the Great Places movement.

30 Years of Placemaking
PPS began in 1975 as a small group of iconoclasts determined to reclaim public spaces from the entrenched interests that dehumanize cities. Now, after working with a wealth of dedicated partners in over 1000 communities, the Placemaking philosophy is on the verge of overtaking the status quo.

November 2004
What If We Built Our Cities Around Places? The secret of every thriving neighborhood's success is the small steps citizens take to enliven their local streets, parks, and other public spaces. PPS's new Great Cities Initiative applies this grassroots energy to the broader mission of improving entire cities and regions.

September 2004
July 2004
Mixing with the Kool Crowd: Have architecture critics forgotten how to judge public spaces? PPS presents a plan to remind them how it's done.

February 2008
May 2004
The Pantheon of Placemakers: To make great places effectively, it helps to know the thinkers and doers who have shaped the movement for the past 40-plus years.
Faking Places: April First, 2004
Faking Places: We hope you enjoy this April Fools edition of our newsletter. Just don't take it seriously.
Placemaking: The Year in Review
For those who understand that great public spaces are essential to great cities and towns, 2003 was a year to celebrate.
January 2004
The Road Ahead: PPS and the Federal Highway Administration are ushering in a new era of transportation planning, changing the way we think about streets and roads.
November 2003
Shedding Light on Markets: Seen enough office complexes and civic centers downtown? New PPS research shows how public markets can replace the tired big-project approach to revitalization.
September 2003
The Politics of Placemaking: The Deputy Prime Minister knows that places matter. So does the Mayor of London. And their belief in better public spaces is yielding major results in the UK.
July 2003
Barcelona, A PPS City Commentary: You know the names--Parc Guell, Las Ramblas--now see what PPS has to say about these and other places that make up the gem of Catalonia.
May 2003
leaves and bark
New York City Parks--Thriving in Tough Times: As budget deficits mount in states and cities across the US, urban parks and green spaces face a familiar challenge: innovate, or else.
March 2003
The San Mateo Solution: PPS and an unlikely group of partners are helping residents of the San Mateo Peninsula set a new standard for livability.
December 2002
The Return of the Civic Square: From San Francisco to Vienna, squares are rebounding to become centers of civic life once more.

October 2002
A Public Market for Lower Manhattan: As politicians, planners, and the public ponder the future of Lower Manhattan, the best place to look for inspiration might be the past.

August 2002
The Best Public Spaces Keep Getting Better: It seems like Paris breaks new ground every year in its efforts to draw people to its public spaces.

June 2002
Finding Profit in Preservation: If you're ever lucky enough to take a stroll through the Czech countryside, you'll be privy to one of the great unintended benefits of Communist rule in Central Europe.

March 2002
Rebirth of a Great Street: Hartford, CT - There is a street like Farmington Avenue in nearly every city. It is a classic example of what happens when cities plan for one thing: moving traffic.
