Welcome to the FDA Oncology Tools web site! Oncology Tools
contains a variety of information related to cancer and approved cancer drug
therapies. You may take a quick tour of the
information here,
select a category from the menu on the left or from the brief descriptions below. View what is new for
approvals, upcoming meetings, and on this site.
Rather than grouping all drug product information together, this web
page is a first effort at pulling together information by disease category which we hope
will make this information easier to find and use. This is a pilot project, and we
encourage you to give us lots of feedback about what you like and don't like about the
page and how it can be made more useful to you. We'll be using your comments to
improve this page and to determine whether to expand this approach to other disease
categories. Comments.
Approved Oncology Drugs -
contains information about approved cancer therapies, product
labels, approval summaries, what drugs are approved for what diseases,
and considerations for making decisions about therapies, including advice on when
to contemplate using unapproved drugs and how to obtain access to unapproved drugs.
Note: This list is provided for historical purposes only. It is not a complete list, and is no longer being maintained. For current approval information, please see Drugs@FDA. For information on cancer drugs, please see the National Institute of Cancer's Drug Information Summaries. For consumer-friendly information on various types of cancer, please see MedlinePlus from the National Institutes of Health. Current Drug approval and other information from FDA's Office of Oncology can be found at the Office's What's New page. |
Disease Summaries - links to sources of information on specific cancers and an oncology
Regulatory Tools - covers the FDA approval process, specific FDA cancer initiatives, and other
regulatory issues related to cancer. In addition, it contains a regulatory
dictionary, the Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC) meeting calendar , a searchable archive of ODAC meeting transcripts,
and FDA guidance documents. |
Oncology Reference Tools - assessment tools for staging, performance status, toxicity, and human and
animal dosage calculators. |
Liaison Program - information from the FDA's Office of Special Health about
FDA patient programs and other resources, including a listing of clinical trials (no FDA
endorsement is implied). |
Additional Resources - links to other regulatory and cancer-related information, including clinical
trials (no FDA endorsement is implied), journals, medical centers, the National Cancer
Institute, and selected primary source information. |
FDA Centers and Divisions - links to the specific FDA centers and divisions that have
responsibility for cancer-related
products. |
We welcome your Comments regarding this Web site.
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FDA/Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Last Updated:
Originator: OTCOM/DLIS