Speak Out & Make Noys - Chapter 5: Project Resources

NOYS/National Organization for Youth Safety Roster 2001

Web Site Resources

Acronym Organization Web Address
 NOYS National Organizations for Youth Safety  www.noys.com
  Advocates for Highway & Auto Safety  www.saferoads.org
ASHA American School Health Association  www.ashaweb.org
ACTS Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety www.actsinc.org
B&G BACCHUS & GAMMA Peer Education Network www.bacchusgamma.org
BIA Brain Injury Association www.biausa.org
CDC Centers for Disease Control & Prevention www.cdc.gov/ncipc
  Child Passenger Safety Web www.childsafety.org
CSN Children�s Safety Network www.edc.org/hhd/csn
EMSC Emergency Medical Services for Children www.ems-c.org
  Emergency Nurses CARE www.ena.org
FCCLA Family, Career & Community Leaders of America www.fcclainc.org
FS4JK Farm Safety 4 Just Kids  www.fs4jk.org
HRSA Maternal & Child Health Bureau (MCHB) www.mchb.hrsa.gov
ICAN ICAN Institute www.icaninstitute.com
  Kids Health.org www.kidshealth.org
NASRO National Association of School Resource Officers  www.nasro.org
NCADD National Commission Against Drunk Driving www.ncadd.com
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration www.nhtsa.dot.gov
NPHA National Peer Helpers Association www.peerhelping.org
NSSP National Student Safety Program http://adtsea.iup.edu/adtsea
  National Safe Kids Campaign www.safekids.org
NSC National Safety Council www.nsc.org/ehc.htm
MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving www.madd.org
RADD Recording Artists, Actors & Athletes Against Drunk Driving www.raddkids.org
RID Remove Intoxicated Drivers www.cvisny.org/not-for-profit/ridusa
  Think First  Foundation www.thinkfirst.org
STIPDA  State & Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association   www.stipda.org  
SADD Students Against Destructive Decisions www.saddonline.com 
UNITY  United National Indian Tribal Youth  www.unityinc.org


Speak Out and Make NOYS Project Registration

Registration Date: Event/Project Date(s):
Name of Chairperson:
City, State, Zip:
E-mail Address:
Project Description:
Project Goals:

Cheryl Neverman
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 
400 7th St., SW, NTS-22, Washington, DC 20590 
Ph. (202) 366-2724  Fx. (202) 366-6916

Speak Out and Make NOYS Project Report

Registration Date: Event/Project Date(s):
Name of Chairperson:
City, State, Zip:
E-mail Address:
Project Description:
Accomplishments: (summarize each objective)
Number of Participants: Youth: Adults:
What organizations or businesses helped you with this project?
What did you learn from your experience?
How Helpful was the Speak Out & Make NOYS Manual to your success?

Please use additional pages as necessary to give us more details on any of the above questions. Please attach any project pictures, flyers, press info or other documentation that was a part of your event. Please send to address listed below.

Cheryl Neverman
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 
400 7th St., SW, NTS-22, Washington, DC 20590 
Ph. (202) 366-2724  Fx. (202) 366-6916