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by zopeadmin last modified 2007-12-05 09:49

Sustainable Agriculture Activity Guides

On-Farm Experiential Learning for High School and College Students

A New Publication for Farm and Garden-Based Educators Working with Youth

This collection of activity guides is designed for use with students who visit college and university farms and similar farm programs that are involved in youth education. The guides cover nine field-based activities focusing on diverse sustainable agriculture activities and concepts that can be completed within one hour.



Damian Parr & Mark Van Horn, University of California, Davis
Ann Marie Kennedy & Arron White, Grant High School, Sacramento, California

Available for Purchase:


The entire collection can be purchased, as a spiral bound book, for $20.00. Please inquire about international shipping costs. To order, send a check made payable to UC Regents to: The Student Farm, Plant Sciences Department, Mail Stop 2, attn: Teaching Manual, University of California, Davis, CA 95616. Please be sure to include your mailing address. If you have questions about the Activity Guides, or questions about ordering, please send email to

Free Download:


Individual Activity Guides, as well as an Introduction to the Guides and how to use them, are available as downloadable pdf files. In order to view these files, use Adobe Reader, available for download for free here.


Adobe Reader button

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction, including How to use the Guides
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Activity Guide: Compost - Transform Trash to Treasure
  4. Activity Guide: Cover Crops - Grow Your Own Fertilizer
  5. Activity Guide: Earthworms - Build Soil Fertility
  6. Activity Guide: Greenhouse - Get Your Crops Off to a Great Start
  7. Activity Guide: Weeds - Keeping Ahead of the Competition
  8. Activity Guide: Insects - Encourage Beneficials, Deter Pests
    Insects ID Sheets
  9. Activity Guide: Local Food - Taste the Difference
  10. Activity Guide: Health - Eat Colorful, Fresh Produce
  11. Activity Guide: Food Miles - Buy Local, Pollute Less





The Student Farm The Student Farm UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

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