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by zopeadmin last modified 2008-10-17 09:23

Summer Internships in Organic Farming


The UC Davis Student Farm offers a limited number of part time organic crop production internships each summer. These internships are open to both UC Davis students and the general public.


Summer interns will work in the Student Farm’s Market Garden, a five acre certified organic vegetable operation that sells produce year-round via a 60 member CSA and the UC Davis Coffee House.  Interns will learn and participate in sowing, transplanting, field preparation, irrigation, fertilization, pest and weed control, and other horticultural practices associated with growing organic vegetable crops in California.  Interested interns will also be trained to operate tractors and commonly used implements and may be able to develop additional mechanical skills or participate in UC Davis’ Project Compost.

Ideally, interns will work from 8 a.m. to 12 noon Monday through Friday from mid June until the end of September, but both the daily and seasonal schedule are somewhat flexible to suit interns’ needs.  Housing is not provided, but is readily available nearby on-campus or in Davis over the summer.  In addition to the hands-on work in the Market Garden, a syllabus of readings will be provided to interns to give a background in organic vegetable production.

Academic credit and fees are optional.  That is, an intern does not need to pay fees to participate in the program unless s/he wants to receive academic credit for participation.  If an intern does wish to earn University of California academic credit, this can be arranged and involves paying fees which are based upon the number of units (credits) received and the fee structure for summer session courses.  This fee structure has not been announced yet; most years it is announced around the end of January.  If you are interested in earning academic credit for an internship, you can monitor the Office of Summer Sessions web site for up-to-date information on fees. 

To apply for an internship, fill out and submit the “Application: Student Farm Summer Internship Program” as follows:


via email

via postal mail

Raoul Adamchak

Student Farm

Department of Plant Sciences, Mail Stop 2

University of California

1 Shields Avenue

Davis, CA 95616

via fax

530/754-7885 (also please call 530/304-1898 or email to above email address to inform us that you have sent a fax)

If you have any questions, please contact Raoul Adamchak via the phone number or email address listed above.




The Student Farm The Student Farm UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

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