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U.S. Food & Drug Administration
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Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition
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RFE Page 2 - Hazard, Market, Geographic and Nomenclature Information for Striped Marlin (Marlin; Tetrapturus audax)

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Nomenclature Table

RFE LinkFDA - SL Market Name
FDA - SL Common Name
FDA - SL Scientific Name
RFE 2 Letter Code
RFE 8 Letter Code
FDA - SL Vernacular NamesAFS Common Name
AFS Scientific Name
AFS Other Names
AFS Synonyms
FAO Scientific Name
FAO Species Code
FAO Common Name English
FAO Common Name French
FAO Common Name Spanish
FAO Synonyms

Striped MarlinFDA-SL Market Name: Marlin
FDA-SL Common Name: Striped Marlin
FDA-SL Sci. Name: Tetrapturus audax
FDA RFE WWW 2 Letter code: sm
FDA RFE 8 Letter code: tetrauda
Vernac. 1) Marlinspike
Vernac. 2) Barred Marlin
Vernac. 3) Spearfish
Vernac. 4) Takaketonga

AFS Common Name: Striped Marlin
AFS Sci. Name: Tetrapturus audax (Philippi, 1887)
AFS Other Names:   N.A.

AFS Synonyms:   N.A.
FAO Sci. Name: Tetrapturus audax (Philippi, 1887)
FAO Species Code: ISTIO Tetra 5
FAO Common English: Striped marlin
FAO Common French: Marlin rayé
FAO Common Spanish: Marlín rayado
FAO Sci. Name with Ref.: Histiophorus audax Philippi, 1887,
Anal.Univ.Chile, 71:35-8, pl. 8 (figs 2 to 3) (Iquique, Chile).

FAO Synonyms: Istiophorus audax-Abbott, 1899;
Tetrapturus mitsukurii Jordan & Snyder, 1901;
Tetrapturus ectenes Jordan & Evermann, 1926;
Makaira grammatica Jordan & Evermann, 1926;
Makaira holei Jordan & Evermann, 1926;
Makaira zelandica Jordan & Evermann, 1926;
Makaira audax-Jordan & Evermann, 1926;
Marlina mitsukurii-Grey, 1928;
Marlina zelandica-Whitley, 1937;
Kajikia mitsukurii-Hirasaka & Nakamura, 1947;
Kajikia formosana Hirasaka & Nakamura, 1947;
Tetrapturus tenuirostratus Deraniyagara, 1951;
Tetrapturus acutirostratus Deraniyagara, 1952;
Makaira formosana-Matsubara, 1955;
Marlina audax-Smith, 1956;
Tetrapturus audax-Robins & de Slyba, 1961;
Makaira audax zelandica-Whitley, 1962.

Geographic Distribution Table

ThumbnailSeafood List (Common, Genus/Species, Market)Occurence (AFS)Occurence (FAO)

Fillet ImageStriped Marlin
Tetrapturus audax
PT. audax occurs mainly in the tropical, subtropical and temperate waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Japanese longline catch data collected over many years show that the distribution pattern of this species within the Pacific Ocean is horseshoe-shaped, with the base of the horseshoe located along the Central American coast. T. audax is occasionally found on the Atlantic side of the Cape of Good Hope (Talbot & Penrith, 1962) and one individual was caught off Angola, West Africa in October 1976, having probably strayed from the Indian Ocean as in a few cases of Tetrapturus angustirostris and Makaira indica. The latitudinal range limits of T. audax, based on data from the commercial longline fishery, extend from about 45°N in the North Pacific to 30°S in the eastern South Pacific and to 45°S in the western south Pacific, as far south as 45°S in the southwestern Indian Ocean and 35°S in the southeastern Indian Ocean.

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Last updated on 2003-FEB-27 by bjt/frf/nln