U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
A Food Labeling Guide
September, 1994 (Editorial revisions June, 1999)

The latest version of this document issued in April 2008. Below is an earlier version.

A Food Labeling Guide
Food Labeling CFR References

Additional FDA Assistance

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The titles that follow are available in FDA's Internet Website

Requirements of the Laws and Regulations Enforced by the Food and Drug Administration

Booklet. Contains basic information on all FDA regulated products. Uses examples examples to explain the more complex laws, regulations and their requirements.

Food Labeling - Questions and Answers Volumes 1 & 2

Vol 1 Question/answer guide for developing or revising food labels.

Vol 2 Question/answer guide to facilitate compliance by restaurants and other retail establishments with regulations issued under NLEA.


FDA Nutrition Labeling Manual: A Guide for Developing and Using Databases

Generic instructions for developing and preparing an acceptable database when valid estimates of nutrient content and variation are not available for the food (single or mixed products) to be labeled.

Small Business Food Labeling Exemption

Sample exemption application form and related information.


The following titles contain more information about Federal food laws and regulations.   They can be obtained from the Government Printing Office.

Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997, Public Law 105-115 GPO (Stock #869-033-00116-9)(Also available from FDA's Internet Website)

Book. Amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Public Health Service
Act to Improve the Regulation of Food, Drugs, Devices, and Biological Products.

Compilation of Laws Enforced by the United States Food and Drug Administration and Related Statutes, V. 1 (1996) GPO (Stock #017-012-00378-8)

Printed in 1996, this looseleaf (with binder) is a compilation of the: Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; Public Health Service Act; Fair Packaging and Labeling Act; Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to Orphan Drugs; Administrative Procedures Act; Federal Committee Act; and Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act.

Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations GPO (order by title and part)

Contains regulations which FDA enforces. Those applicable to the food industry are:

Part 1 to 99 -- General regulations for the enforcement of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act. Color Additives.

Part 100 to 169 -- Food labeling, food standards, good manufacturing practices for foods, low-acid canned foods, and acidified foods.

Part 170 to 199 -- Food additives.

Part 800 to 1299 -- Regulations under Federal Import Milk Act, the Federal Tea Importation Act, the Federal Caustic Poison Act, and regulations for control of communicable diseases and interstate conveyance sanitation.

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