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Venture Acceleration Fund launches call for ideas

By Tatjana K. Rosev

July 7, 2008

The Laboratory is seeking ideas for projects that use Lab technology and expertise to promote regional technology commercialization, new company formation, and business growth.

Selected projects with regional entrepreneurs, companies, investors, or strategic partners will receive funding of up to $100,000 through Los Alamos National Security’s Venture Acceleration Fund (VAF). Since its launch in 2006, the VAF has awarded $600,000 to six Northern New Mexico start-ups using Lab-licensed technology.

The fund is administered by the Technology Transfer (TT) Division in conjunction with the Community Programs Office (CPO) and the Regional Development Corporation.

Proposed projects must facilitate the creation and growth of regional ventures based on Laboratory technology or expertise, support the Lab’s core missions and evidence the following:

• a significant opportunity for new company formation or growth in New Mexico
• access to a strong, experienced business and technical team
• ability to leverage matching funds from other sources
• identify a clear path for commercialization
• identification of a market potential for Laboratory technology or expertise, particularly technologies licensed from Los Alamos.

To submit an idea for a proposal, send a one-page or less idea statement that includes an abstract of the proposed project and the expected commercial and regional impacts to Belinda Padilla at bee@lanl.gov by electronic mail. Submitters will be notified if they have or have not been selected to submit a full proposal to the LANS Venture Acceleration Fund.

For more information, contact Padilla at 7-9896.

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