Mobile Safe Room On Tour 

Release Date: May 23, 2003
Release Number: 1463-32

» More Information on Missouri Severe Storms, Tornadoes and Flooding

Springfield, MO -- You rarely can run from a tornado. But, for about the cost of remodeling a bathroom, you can survive a tornado-by fortifying a small part of your house to stand up to high winds and flying debris. Safe Rooms can save lives by giving a part of your house, and you, a "suit of armor."

A Safe Room is anchored to the ground to withstand extreme winds and armored with either steel-reinforced concrete or steel sheathing to make the walls and ceiling virtually puncture-proof. A Safe Room serves as an alternative to evacuation, and can provide peace of mind when bad weather threatens. Day in and day out, a Safe Room frequently functions as a pantry, closet or laundry room.

Recovery specialists with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will have a model Safe Room on display at various Disaster Recovery Centers over the next week.

Until 6 p.m. on Friday, May 23, the traveling Safe Room will be at the Pierce City Disaster Recovery Center, located in St. Mary's Catholic Church, 200 Front Street.

On Saturday, May 24, the mobile Safe Room moves to the Carl Junction Disaster Recovery Center, located at 103 Hodge Street, and will remain there through Tuesday, May 27.

Between Wednesday, May 28, and Saturday, May 31, the Safe Room model will be on display at the Stockton Disaster Recovery Center, located in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on South Highway 39.

Centers are open Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. until further notice.

For those who are unable to view the traveling Safe Room, construction plans are available in the booklet, Taking Shelter From the Storm: Building a Safe Room Inside Your House, FEMA Publication 320, by calling 1-888-565-3896. This booklet contains recommended construction plans for Safe Rooms. The text also is available on the FEMA website (

Last Modified: Friday, 23-May-2003 15:11:33