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Jan 16, 2009
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Members of the Supreme Court of the United States

Mailing address for the Supreme Court: U.S. Supreme Court Building, 1 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20543

 Service Birth   
Name, stateAssoc. JusticeChief JusticeYrs Place Date Died Religion
John Jay , N.Y.  1789–1795 5 N.Y. 1745 1829 Episcopal
James Wilson, Pa. 1789–1798  8 Scotland 1742 1798 Episcopal
John Rutledge, S.C.* 1790–179117951 S.C. 1739 1800 Church of England
William Cushing, Mass. 1790–1810  20 Mass. 1732 1810 Unitarian
John Blair, Va. 1790–1796  5 Va. 1732 1800 Presbyterian
James Iredell, N.C. 1790–1799  9 England 1751 1799 Episcopal
Thomas Johnson, Md. 1792–1793  0 Md. 1732 1819 Episcopal
William Paterson, N.J. 1793–1806  13 Ireland 1745 1806 Protestant
Oliver Ellsworth, Conn.  1796–18004 Conn. 1745 1807Congregational
Samuel Chase, Md. 1796–1811  15 Md. 1741 1811 Episcopal
Bushrod Washington, Va. 1799–1829  30 Va. 1762 1829 Episcopal
Alfred Moore, N.C. 1800–1804  3 N.C. 1755 1810 Episcopal
John Marshall, Va.  1801–183534Va.17551835 Episcopal
William Johnson, S.C. 1804–1834  30 S.C. 1771 1834 Presbyterian
Brockholst Livingston, N.Y. 1807–1823  16 N.Y. 1757 1823 Presbyterian
Thomas Todd, Ky. 1807–1826  18 Va. 1765 1826 Presbyterian
Gabriel Duval, Md. 1811–1835  23 Md. 1752 1844 French Protestant
Joseph Story, Mass. 1812–1845  33 Mass. 1779 1845 Unitarian
Smith Thompson, N.Y. 1823–1843  20 N.Y. 1768 1843 Presbyterian
Robert Trimble, Ky. 1826–1828  2 Va. 1777 1828 Protestant
John McLean, Ohio 1830–1861  31 N.J. 1785 1861 Methodist-Epis.
Henry Baldwin, Pa. 1830–1844  14 Conn. 1780 1844 Trinity Church
James M. Wayne, Ga. 1835–1867  32 Ga. 1790 1867 Protestant
Philip P. Barbour, Va. 1836–1841  4 Va. 1783 1841 Episcopal
Roger B. Taney, Md.  1836–186428 Md.1777 1864 Roman Catholic
John Catron, Tenn. 1837–1865  28 Pa. 1786 1865 Presbyterian
John McKinley, Ala. 1837–1852  14 Va. 1780 1852 Protestant
Peter V. Daniel, Va. 1841–1860  18 Va. 1784 1860 Episcopal
Samuel Nelson, N.Y. 1845–1872  27 N.Y. 1792 1873 Protestant
Levi Woodbury, N.H. 1845–1851  5 N.H. 1789 1851 Protestant
Robert C. Grier, Pa. 1846–1870  23 Pa. 1794 1870 Presbyterian
Benjamin R. Curtis, Mass. 1851–1857  5 Mass. 1809 1874 (2)
John A. Campbell, Ala. 1853–1861  8 Ga. 1811 1889 Episcopal
Nathan Clifford, Maine 1858–1881  23 N.H. 1803 1881 (1)
Noah H. Swayne, Ohio 1862–1881  18 Va. 1804 1884 Quaker
Samuel F. Miller, Iowa 1862–1890  28 Ky. 1816 1890 Unitarian
David Davis, Ill. 1862–1877  14 Md. 1815 1886 (4)
Stephen J. Field, Calif. 1863–1897  34 Conn. 1816 1899 Episcopal
Salmon P. Chase, Ohio  1864–18738 N.H. 18081873 Episcopal
William Strong, Pa. 1870–1880  10 Conn. 1808 1895 Presbyterian
Joseph P. Bradley, N.J. 1870–1892  21 N.Y. 1813 1892 Presbyterian
Ward Hunt, N.Y. 1872–1882  9 N.Y. 1810 1886 Episcopal
Morrison R. Waite, Ohio  1874–1888 14Conn. 1816 1888 Episcopal
John M. Harlan, Ky. 1877–1911  33 Ky. 1833 1911 Presbyterian
William B. Woods, Ga. 1880–1887  6 Ohio 1824 1887 Protestant
Stanley Matthews, Ohio 1881–1889  7 Ohio 1824 1889 Presbyterian
Horace Gray, Mass. 1882–1902  20 Mass. 1828 1902 (3)
Samuel Blatchford, N.Y. 1882–1893  11 N.Y. 1820 1893 Presbyterian
Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Miss. 1888–1893  5 Ga. 1825 1893 Methodist
Melville W. Fuller, Ill.  1888–191021 Maine 1833 1910 Episcopal
David J. Brewer, Kan. 1889–1910  20 Asia Minor 1837 1910 Protestant
Henry B. Brown, Mich. 1890–1906  15 Mass. 1836 1913 Protestant
George Shiras, Jr., Pa. 1892–1903  10 Pa. 1832 1924 Presbyterian
Howell E. Jackson, Tenn. 1893–1895  2 Tenn. 1832 1895 Baptist
Edward D. White, La.* 1894–19101910–192126La. 1845 1921 Roman Catholic
Rufus W. Peckham, N.Y. 1895–1909  13 N.Y. 1838 1909 Episcopal
Joseph McKenna, Calif. 1898–1925  26 Pa. 1843 1926 Roman Catholic
Oliver W. Holmes, Mass. 1902–1932  29 Mass. 1841 1935 Unitarian
William R. Day, Ohio 1903–1922  19 Ohio 1849 1923 Protestant
William H. Moody, Mass. 1906–1910  3 Mass. 1853 1917 Episcopal
Horace H. Lurton, Tenn. 1909–1914  4 Ky. 1844 1914 Episcopal
Charles E. Hughes, N.Y.*1910–19161930–194116N.Y. 1862 1948 Baptist
Willis Van Devanter, Wyo. 1910–1937  26 Ind. 1859 1941 Episcopal
Joseph R. Lamar, Ga. 1910–1916  4 Ga. 1857 1916 Ch. of Disciples
Mahlon Pitney, N.J. 1912–1922  10 N.J. 1858 1924 Presbyterian
James C. McReynolds, Tenn. 1914–1941  26 Ky. 1862 1946 Disciples of Christ
Louis D. Brandeis, Mass. 1916–1939  22 Ky. 1856 1941 Jewish
John H. Clarke, Ohio 1916–1922  5 Ohio 1857 1945 Protestant
William H. Taft, Conn.  1921–19308Ohio 1857 1930Unitarian
George Sutherland, Utah 1922–1938  15 England 1862 1942 Episcopal
Pierce Butler, Minn. 1923–1939  16 Minn. 1866 1939 Roman Catholic
Edward T. Sanford, Tenn. 1923–1930  7 Tenn. 1865 1930 Episcopal
Harlan F. Stone, N.Y.*1925–19411941–194620N.H. 1872 1946 Episcopal
Owen J. Roberts, Pa. 1930–1945  15 Pa. 1875 1955 Episcopal
Benjamin N. Cardozo, N.Y. 1932–1938  6 N.Y. 1870 1938 Jewish
Hugo L. Black, Ala. 1937–1971  34 Ala. 1886 1971 Baptist
Stanley F. Reed, Ky. 1938–1957  19 Ky. 1884 1980 Protestant
Felix Frankfurter, Mass. 1939–1962  23 Austria 1882 1965 Jewish
William O. Douglas, Conn. 1939–1975  36 Minn. 1898 1980 Presbyterian
Frank Murphy, Mich. 1940–1949  9 Mich. 1890 1949 Roman Catholic
James F. Byrnes, S.C. 1941–1942  1 S.C. 1879 1972 Episcopal
Robert H. Jackson, Pa. 1941–1954  13 N.Y. 1892 1954 Episcopal
Wiley B. Rutledge, Iowa 1943–1949  6 Ky. 1894 1949 Unitarian
Harold H. Burton, Ohio 1945–1958  13 Mass. 1888 1964 Unitarian
Frederick M. Vinson, Ky.  1946–19537 Ky.1890 1953 Methodist
Tom C. Clark, Tex. 1949–1967  17 Tex. 1899 1977 Presbyterian
Sherman Minton, Ind. 1949–1956  7 Ind. 1890 1965 Roman Catholic
Earl Warren, Calif.  1953–196915Calif. 1891 1974 Protestant
John M. Harlan, N.Y. 1955–1971  16 Ill. 1899 1971 Presbyterian
William J. Brennan, Jr., N.J. 1956–1990  33 N.J. 1906 1997 Roman Catholic
Charles E. Whittaker, Mo. 1957–1962  5 Kan. 1901 1973 Methodist
Potter Stewart, Ohio 1958–1981  23 Mich. 1915 1985 Episcopal
Byron R. White, Colo. 1962–1993  31Colo. 1917 2002 Episcopal
Arthur J. Goldberg, Ill. 1962–1965  2 Ill. 1908 1990 Jewish
Abe Fortas, Tenn. 1965–1969  3 Tenn. 1910 1982 Jewish
Thurgood Marshall, N.Y. 1967–1991  24 Md. 1908 1993 Episcopal
Warren E. Burger, Va.  1969–198617Minn. 1907 1995 Presbyterian
Harry A. Blackmun, Minn. 1970–1994  24 Ill. 1908 1999Methodist
Lewis F. Powell, Jr., Va. 1972–1987  15 Va. 1907 1998Presbyterian
William H. Rehnquist, Ariz.*1972–19861986–200533Wis. 1924 2005Lutheran
John Paul Stevens, Ill. 1975–  Ill. 1920 Protestant
Sandra Day O'Connor, Ariz. 1981–2006 25 Tex. 1930 Episcopal
Antonin Scalia, DC 1986– N.J. 1936 Roman Catholic
Anthony M. Kennedy, Calif. 1988– Calif. 1936 Roman Catholic
David H. Souter, N.H. 1990– Mass. 1939 Episcopal
Clarence Thomas, DC 1991– Ga. 1948 Roman Catholic
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, DC 1993– N.Y. 1933 Jewish
Stephen G. Breyer, Mass. 1994– Calif. 1938 Jewish
John G. Roberts, DC 2005–N.Y.1955Roman Catholic
Samuel A. Alito, Jr., N.J.2006– N.J.1950Roman Catholic
NOTE: Bold=Chief Justice
*Served as both chief justice and associate justice.
1. Congregational; later Unitarian.
2. Unitarian; then Episcopal.
3. Unitarian or Congregational.
4. Not a member of any church.

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