FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Protecting the Food Supply

September 2002

See also Current Information on Protecting the Food Supply

Public Health Security and Bioterrorism
Preparedness and Response Act of 2002
(Public Law 107-188)

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Index of Presentation Slides

  1. Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-188)
  2. Public Law 107-188
  3. Public Law 107-188
  4. Title I National Preparedness for Bioterrorism and Other Public Health Emergencies
  5. Title II Enhancing Controls on Dangerous Biological Agents and Toxins
  6. Title III Protecting Safety and Security of Food and Drug Supply
  7. Title III Subtitle A - Protection of Food Supply
  8. Sec. 301: Food Safety and Security Strategy
  9. Sec. 302: Protection Against Adulteration of Food
  10. Sec. 303: Administrative Detention
  11. Sec. 303: Administrative Detention
  12. Sec. 303: Administrative Detention (continued)
  13. Sec. 303: Administrative Detention (continued)
  14. Sec. 304: Debarment for Repeated or Serious Food Import Violations
  15. Sec. 304: Debarment for Repeated or Serious Food Import Violations
  16. Sec. 305: Registration of Food Facilities
  17. Sec. 305: Registration of Food Facilities
  18. Sec. 305: Registration of Food Facilities (continued)
  19. Sec. 305: Registration of Food Facilities (continued)
  1. Sec. 306: Maintenance and Inspection of Records for Foods
  2. Sec. 306: Maintenance and Inspection of Records for Foods
  3. Sec. 306: Maintenance and Inspection of Records for Foods (continued)
  4. Sec. 307: Prior Notice of Imported Food Shipments
  5. Sec. 307: Prior Notice of Imported Food Shipments
  6. Sec. 307: Prior Notice of Imported Food Shipments (continued)
  7. Sec. 308: Authority to Mark Articles Refused Admission into United States
  8. Sec. 308: Authority to Mark Articles Refused Admission into United States (continued)
  9. Sec. 309: Prohibition Against Port Shopping
  10. Sec. 310: Notices to States Regarding Imported Food
  11. Sec. 311: Grants to States for Inspections
  12. Sec. 312: Surveillance and Information Grants and Authorities
  13. Sec. 313: Surveillance of Zoonotic Diseases
  14. Sec. 314: Authority to Commission Other Federal Officials to Conduct Inspections
  15. Title III Subtitle B - Protection of Drug Supply
  16. Sec. 322: Import Components for Export
  17. Summary Of HHS/FDA Regulatory Deadlines
  18. We Welcome Your Comments
  19. We Welcome Your Comments
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