logo for the 2004 FDA Science Forum


FDA Science: The Critical Path from Concept to Consumer

May 18-19, 2004
Washington Convention Center
Washington, DC

Communicating FDA Science to the Public

Time: May 18th from 3:30-5:00 PM

Many consumers, advocacy groups, non-scientists and other FDA stakeholders have expressed interest in learning more about FDA science but have found that the general sessions presented at the FDA Science Forum are too technical. The purpose of this session will be to present information about some FDA science topics of greatest interest to our stakeholders through clear and concise "plain language" presentations.

Format: The session will be 90 minutes in length. Three FDA science topics will be presented in short, 15 minute talks followed by questions and answers.

Target Audience: FDA and other government scientists or non-scientists, consumers, advocacy groups, science press, science teachers and students and other stakeholders interested in FDA science issues.


Communicating FDA Science to the Public
Chair: Lester Crawford, DVM, PhD
Acting FDA Commissioner
Office of the Commissioner, FDA

The Importance of Innovation to FDA's Public Health Mission
Lester Crawford, DVM, PhD
Acting FDA Commissioner
Office of the Commissioner, FDA

Personalized Medicine:
The Power of Proteomics and What It means to the Consumer

Emanuel Petricoin, PhD
Co-Director, NCI-FDA Clinical Proteomics Program
Center for Biologics Research & Evaluation, FDA

Is It Really Safe? Understanding Food Safety for the Non Scientist
Robert E. Brackett, PhD
Center Director
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA

Registration: There is no charge for this event. However you must register to attend. Please fill out the attached registration form and fax to 301-827-3042. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Suzanne Fitzpatrick at 301-827-4591.

This Announcement with Registration form is also available in PDF format (94 Kb; requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).

Note:   If you are already registered for the Science Forum, you do not need to register separately for the session on "Communicating Science to the Public."

Each year since 1993, the FDA Science Forum has served as a comprehensive training program, and as a vehicle to communicate and promote issues relating to scientific development and associated regulatory concerns. This annual event showcases FDA's scientific achievements, facilitates discussions on topics of interest to FDA and its stakeholders, promotes both internal and external collaborations, and recognizes outstanding research and science-based review performance with Scientific Achievement Awards.

This is the only forum where scientists from all disciplines and organizational components of FDA meet to share data, knowledge, and ideas on the science-based mission of the Agency. The Science Forum also features presentations by leaders of the academic and public health communities, and thereby provides an excellent environment for the open discussion of emerging science, technology, and methodologies, as well as how they can be used to meet the Nation's public health needs.

Open to the public, the 2004 Forum is designed to bring FDA scientists together with representatives from other components of DHHS, industry, academia, government agencies, consumer and patient advocacy groups, Congress, international constituents, and many other stakeholders. This meeting offers a valuable opportunity for academia and industry to learn about FDA research, collaboration opportunities, and regulatory priorities.

FDA Chapter, Sigma Xi | CFSAN | FDA | HHS
Last updated on 2005-DEC-21 by frf