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Centre Sismologique Euro-Méditerranéen
European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre

Current time: 2009-01-17 02:59:06 UTC
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Earthquake Information

Summary Maps Regional seismicity More Information List of data providers
Magnitude ML 3.6
Date time 2009-01-15 at 10:12:13.0 UTC
Location 47.04 N ; 75.73 E
Depth unknown
Distances 306 km NW Taldikorgan (pop 107,736 ; local time 16:12 2009-01-15)
63 km E Balkhash (pop 81,364 ; local time 16:12 2009-01-15)
57 km E Konyrat (pop 5,167 ; local time 16:12 2009-01-15)
More seismicity information (Moment tensors, phases pickings, etc.)
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